BGs are broken

11/14/2018 06:25 AMPosted by Justeria
11/14/2018 05:28 AMPosted by Tavlina
Because the 330 players are too lazy or too stubborn to do any anything besides random BG's. At this point, if you are stuck at 330, it's on you.

yeap... laziness in a video game... I think people forget its a recreation activity and shouldn't needed to be treated like a job to keep up...

Work an 8 hour day... then come home cook dinner, clean catchup with friends, look after children / pets plus what ever your choice is to keep fit....

No some of us don't have time to be organised enough to play rated pvp.. but no they are the lasy ones... good laugh ;)

Oh god this argument is so old and irrelevant. Pisses me off. This is a MMO game. You know full well what it is about. You also know full well that to acquire gear you need to do actually play the game (shocker wow). Nobody cares about you, your activities and your family. If you actually want to play, you will find time to do it. You want recreation activity which require no effort? Go play Candy Crush. Just because you cannot manage your time does not mean you qualify for free handouts. Nobody puts a gun to your head and makes you do dungeons/WQs/arenas for gear, that is your choice. But also accept the consequences of your choice.