I always forget how terrible these devs are, until its a new season and I have to farm an honor set and suffer through 10 losses in a row to get 3 pieces of gear because Horde is for whatever reason unable to win a single bg.
Game mode is awful
I always forget how terrible these devs are, until its a new season and I have to farm an honor set and suffer through 10 losses in a row to get 3 pieces of gear because Horde is for whatever reason unable to win a single bg.
Game mode is awful
The honor bug really took a lot of people from surprise.
They had the honor stacked up and were just waiting to send it to their alts and then ofc the bug happens at the worst feasible time.
join the no lifer horde wpvp premades 40 of them in Undermined at 2PM today
I have not touched wpvp and I almost have 5 conquest pieces already.
There is a reason wpvp is dead outside of the first few weeks when everybody is scrambling and it’s cause a raid just griefs the other faction and when the other faction gets their own raid the server crashes.
No you don’t have 5 conequest pieces
you have 2 free heraldries and maybe 2 off pieces
Bloody token gear is much better than honor and worth investing in.
A lot of people just got the honor set day one before having a match because they had honor saved up. If you played a little bit on any characters last season, you should have enough honor banked up to get at least one character a full set of honor gear. You can transfer it to the character you want on the character you want to use it on from the currency tab. I didn’t have the bug people were talking about.
It hasn’t been like that since BfA.