BG/Brawl easy improvement suggestions

No idea where else to post this and its probably coming in kinda late, but I guess since I haven’t really seen anything to this tune anywhere else, I might as well post it since Blizz did say to give them feedback, or whatever.
The battlegrounds system right now has a number of issues, and while many of those issues come from PVP itself, I’d like to keep those out of the post since that’s not what this is about.
There’s a okayish mesh of available content for BGers nowadays, especially since brawls have 100% uptime finally, but there’s some stuff that could be done to give a little more QOL and keep things interesting.

I suggest the following improvements, most of which are not heavy lifts at all and could be done pretty easily:

  1. Convert the Cooking Impossible brawl to a regular BG and include it in the random BG queue. They could add achievements and stuff for it later on like they have going on with the other regular BGs as well, but the Cooking Impossible event is a unique game mode that doesn’t really have anything else comparable in the game right now, whereas brawls are typically a clone of an existing game mode, with a (or a few) added twist(s).

  2. Add Twin Peaks into the Deep Six brawl. There’s some issues here yeah I get it, but they’re both CTF maps/modes so whatever issues there are will be the same for WSG and TP, no reason not to include it imo.

  3. Deepwind Dunk could also be moved to the random BG queue as again there isn’t really anything else like this one in the game. Basically all the stuff I said for Cooking Impossible applies here too.

  4. Convert Southshore vs. Tarren Mill into an epic BG. The epic BGs right now are pretty lacking in terms of variety, and there isn’t really another one thats just a straight up fight (except for turtle AV’s I guess). No reason other than nostalgia why SSvTM couldn’t be moved over.

  5. Rename Warsong Scramble to something like CTF Scramble and include Twin peaks in the queue. They both flag maps so why not.

Basically the issues are that there’s 12 brawls right now (and whatever else they add in the future), meaning each brawl happens once every ~3months, which is a long time. BG’s as a whole have also been suffering massively for fresh content, where we only get like 1 new BG MAYBE each expansion. Hell we didn’t even get anything new for SL, just the Kyrian arena map that assaults ur framerate the whole time.

Yes, we desperately need new BG maps/games, but I’ll admit that those are a pretty heavy lift in terms of designer/developer workload. DO please put some effort into those, but in the meantime these would provide some nice QOL/variety to the masses.

TLDR: Some minor improvements/variety to existing brawls and make the unique brawls permanent + include in random/epic Queue. Not as good as adding new BGs/Brawls, but still beneficial and way easier.

1, 2, and 3: God no. Keep that brawl trash out of real BG rotations.
4: Probably good. I see people asking for this. It’s straight-forward PvP.
5: No. TP and WSG are different. TP in 6 man format would suck.

No we do not.
Most players are still bad at the maps we already have. Don’t need more maps for them to struggle with.

How about a BG modeled after the old arcade game Joust. I’m sure this would go over well hahaha.

How do you figure though? 1 & 3 re: Cooking Impossible & Deepwind Dunk - they’re about as real BG as it gets imo. No crazy buffs or anything super spicy, just the players and an objective, and the same berzerking/leaf that’s in some of the other maps.
I guess u could make a case for the cooking impossible one since there’s rando NPCs and that one vehicle u can use, and typically the regular BG’s don’t have NPCs that do anything, or vehicles (save for SotA, but that’s gone now anyway).
So ok, forget about #1 based off that, but I’m not seeing the problem with #3.

re: #2 and #5, I think ur mixing up what I was saying. I was never saying to do anything as far as random BGs go. Deep Six should still be a brawl, in the brawl rotation, but just include the TP map in the rotation as well as WSG, same goes for Scramble. Deep Six is the 6man format one, not Warsong Scramble. Warsong Scramble is just regular WSG but with 3 flags per side, a ton of powerups/extra item buttons, and you dont need to own your flag(s) to cap. Both of these should absolutely stay in the brawl rotation as there’s more going on there than would fit the theme of a regular BG.

Re: Not needing new BGs, I disagree tbh.
AV/WSG/AB are over 16 years old
Strand would be >13 years old but it got removed after almost 10.
IoC is >12
SSM & TOK and Deepwind are > 8, although Deepwind was changed last year.
Seething Shore is almost 4 years old
Ashran & WG are old world content that got slightly reworked for epic BG format a couple of years ago (No idea why Tol Barad was left out and tbh I don’t remember TB well enough to remember if it was fun or not so I’m just gonna leave it alone)
So aside from the Deepwind rework, we haven’t really had new BG content in about 4 years.
idk if I agree with players being bad as a compelling reason to not put out content, and I wouldn’t even say players are bad. They just like to ignore objectives and throw hands instead.

edit: I actually just straight up forgot about Seething Shore tbh, adjusting post to reflect that.