BGB should NOT give RBG military rank titles

I know this is quite a niche concern… I submitted a suggestion that RBG rankings/titles should NOT be repeated as rewards for Battleground Blitz rating achievements in The War Within…

How should, for example, a player with the Marshal title from RBGs feel about “Forged Marshall”? (See the BGB titles on wowhead: Strategist (equivalent of Gladiator) and Forged Marshall/Warlord (equivalent of Rank 1)). I’m really not as mad as I thought I would be. I think it’s okay… but I genuinely hope that will be the end of it.

I hope each rated bracket will be kept unique, and I genuinely look forward to future updates incentivizing more rated battleground play, whether solo or organized :slight_smile: battle on!


I think reaching 1800 in BGB should unlock the old transmog(Legionnaire, Knight-Captain).

No reason why not.


The transmog – sure (and that would be an incredible opportunity to retexture them!)
The titles – ‘no’ for the same reason solo shuffle arenas do not grant gladiator titles or mounts – to maintain the prestige and effort behind the original, more organized bracket.

Of course, I nor nobody else here has direct influence over these things.
I am just typing out my hopes and concerns as someone who has played and loved RBGs since 2012 and hated seeing their playerbase stagnating and dwindling away over recent years. However, I am not stuck in the past: I accept change when it is beneficial to most players with the aim of making PvP more accessible and popular. With that being said, the more veteran players and their achievements should simultaneously be respected.

Honestly I figured they would have the same title unlocks since they’re one time unlock.

But add a new Gladiator or Seasonal title on top of them. “High Warlord” isn’t the goal of the season, because you could’ve had it from a past season.

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You are correct to distinguish between the permanent rank unlocks and seasonal % titles (which the datamined titles referenced in my OP probably are). For clarification, what I’m advocating for is to keep the 14 ranks exclusive to the organized 10v10 bracket.

If not merely for the sake of ‘oldschool’ Cata RBGs, I am sure people who got their titles in Vanilla would feel even more strongly about the ‘prospect’ of somebody getting the same title from this new bracket (again). (The same issue has happened with the OG red PvP enchants, slowly devaluing them!)

To demonstrate by example: I wear the Marshal title on my main as a reminder of the good times I had playing and leading RBGs in MoP. Why should somebody be able to get the same title by “pressing Queue and then W”? (Of course, a bit hyperbolic – my point being less organization is required for BGB than RBG, thus rewards should be different). My whole plea may be unnecessary, as we’ve yet to get a confirmation of whether these titles will be available from BGB at all. I’m just trying to preempt the strike here for the sake of the incentive, participation and prestige of 10v10 organized RBGs… Under the assumption they will be kept around and catered to at all… :slight_smile:

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My problem with that is I would never get that title on a Prot Paladin because I simply would not get invited.

I see your point tho, but I’m on the other side of it :stuck_out_tongue:

People from Vanilla were MAD that they brought back the titles. Only Original High Warlord should’ve had those.

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Well, back in the day a tank was absolutely essential to a rated battleground team… which I think proves my point.

Anyhow, I also see your point, and am sympathetic to it. Moreover, I appreciate your reasoning and courtesy :slight_smile:

It is true that the titles, enchants etc. were devalued as we have both mentioned… But, the fact this continues to happen whether via solo queues or trading posts is in my opinion a concern for the long-term. I hope PvP will receive its due attention in the WorldSoul Saga, and suppose that’s a net win from a management perspective regardless of what little details appease or agitate a few veteran players…

They could still change it. Original r1 shuffle title was “crimson soloist” but they changed it early in season 1.

There’s hope.

I think it’s super lazy more than anything.

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I have an old rank 12 Warrior from vanilla and I’m ok with the new titles. If anything it was re-using the old R1-14 titles for Rated BG’s that felt weird, but I guess it kind of makes sense as a way for people to still earn them in a post-Vanilla PvP system.

That being said if they’re going to go out of their way to do that then I wish the Strategist title was permanent though kind of like how I wish most PvP seasonal titles were permanent in general. Like if they had told me back in Vanilla that my rank 12 title would be going away at the start of BC I would have been annoyed and maybe not have pushed for it.

I’m not saying this will dissuade me from trying BGB in TWW but just something that for me I think would make it more fulfilling/meaningful if it was permanent.

:dracthyr_a1: :popcorn:

This thread is going places,

You could have this title from classic vanilla. :slight_smile:

With that being said, the more veteran players and their achievements should simultaneously be respected.

Out of respect for the people who earned Marshal, General, Warlord, High Warlord, etc titles in classic vanilla we should strip these titles from people who got them later by doing rated BGs.



The problem with your argument is Grand Marshal/High Warlord are not the same as glad titles. Glad titles are seasonal, the ones you are talking about are achievement titles. Not a good comparison. RBGs are getting their own glad/R1 titles now too.

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You are missing my point, plausibly deliberately since I have clarified it already as well as to you in the other post… My problem is not with the BGB-specific % title being similar to Marshal/Warlord, but the position (and the possibility) that the 14 rank titles would be available from the new bracket at all.

I suppose if we want an equivalent outside of an achievement - making the Replica set available from BGB, though, I personally wouldn’t mind that as much.

I’ll put it differently:
A Commander is someone who leads a team.
A solo player cannot be a Commander by definition.
It is a different game mode. Therefore, the ranks should be different and unique.

I get what your saying, but why shouldn’t they be? Do you know how they were earned before RBGs? Should RBGers not get those titles period because it took the prestige away from the vanilla players that earned them? Your argument about prestige for those titles doesn’t work because the prestige of them was already taking away when they were given to RBGs. Also, prestige also kind of loses out because you can still earned them. Glad titles/R1 titles are seasonal and only able to be earned then.

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There is a difference between complaining about what has already been added to the game, and between what could or should be – the latter would even further split and devalue the meaning of the achievements.

Anyone can get the titles from RBGs now, yes… but if they can get them playing solo, then that devalues it for those who have gotten it in the effort of a team.

I don’t want to walk around with the Marshal title and see another one that might have never used VoIP, group-finder, oQueue, Vent, Skype, Discord… to get it.

A similar reward devaluing and welfare populizing has happened with the OG red enchants in 7.3 (except that was even worse because I couldn’t retrieve mine due to % cutoffs)

How though? Because more people may get them? The only reason you think those titles have so much prestige is why? Because not a lot of people have them? Because RBGs is the least played rated bracket (for a lot of reasons) and was pretty much dead? I am not sure what your attachment to old vanilla titles is. Did you get yours in vanilla? Anyone can still earn those titles.

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Really? Because the leader in BG Blitz can issue raid warnings and can also use the ping system.

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Different mode – different titles… to respect the players of the organized bracket.
I am 100% not going to be the only one bothered by this when it’s found out more widely.

So this is some kind of elitist thing? Because they aren’t in comms they don’t deserve it? You aren’t making a good argument on why people can’t EARN them in BGB.

This is a respect thing? So what about respecting the people that earned them in Vanilla then?

Probably not, but more people will probably be happy about it than not and will only infuse more people in the BG/RBG scene.

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