Rewards from Heroic dungeons and Darkshore are getting increased to 355ilvl, rated gear is getting boosted +30ilvl, but BG rewards are not mentioned at all by Ion in his post or replies. It may be an oversight, but WQs will not be getting an ilvl increase either so unfortunately it seems likely.
If you think this is wrong, go say something in the thread while Ion is still posting replies.
wq’s should give 310 max even with the new season. there is no effort required for those. bg’s need to give higher than heroic dungeons though. i have yet to see or hear of someone failing a heroic dungeon run. i hear about people losing bg’s all the time.
We live in hope. He also forgot to mention any gear updates for BG’s, Brawl and weekly PVP quests, and WPVP (aspirant) gear in the new “PVP” news blog post. And still no word on whether we’re going to have to keep grinding out the entire s1 355/370 gear conquest bar just to get to the new relevant s2 gear either. If yall want answers maybe swing by the thread and news blog and make a post if you got the time.
Bgs to me have always been a fun way to get some basic filler gear for alts. 330 isn’t even useful for that. I would like to do PvP to gear and alt, not the endless pve that are world bosses/incursions/warfronts.
There are so many catch up mechanisms for 370+ gear I really don’t understand the move.