BG Premades need to be banned from random Battle Grounds

Theyd die even faster than they did on retail. Premades will go to extravagant lengths to avoid fighting other premades.

While I totally understand how much it sucks to get stomped by a geared premade when yo’re trying to solo queue, matching premade vs. premade only means I can never group with 6-7 non hardcore pvper guildies and do a WSG for fun. Which is how it already is now with the priority system.

In this situation we are not even any better than a fully rando WSG team and yet we are forced to play against dedicated 10 man team dripping in sweat.

I really miss being able to pvp with my non pvp guildies just for fun. Bring back premade vs. pug imo.

I agree and it needs to be called RBG

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