BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Sorry for the late reply. I’m on a 115 actually since the wait time is a lot faster. If you have one in the 119 bracket I’d be down! :slight_smile:

I like this version better.

If you can get through this without laughing, I feel for you.

Came back to say I got the achiv! :smiley:


Abandoned their team for an achievement, naughty. ^

I didn’t! I swear! We still won!!

Ok for the first half. maybe. for like 80% of the BG.

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WTB some more Alliance players with the stomach to fight out battles. I can’t recall a time where the “x has left the battleground” appeared so often.


So far have never every AFK out I will fight to the end.


I hear ya, some of those games really do end up turning into a “revolving door” of Alliance players :joy:

“__________ has left the battle.”
“__________ has left the battle.”
“__________ has left the battle.”
“__________ has left the battle.”


There’s no “shame” in leaving a sinking ship my friend :sweat_smile:

I have absolutely no issues afking out if I don’t like the way the match is going, it just saves a TON of time rather than staying in games that are (obviously) lost causes

With enough experience you can pretty much tell when a game crosses that “point of no return”. AFKing out of bad teams not only saves time, it’s also smart :thinking:


It’s neat when a bunch of people ragequit and you end up winning before their deserter would have worn off. Like the Wintergrasp I just got out of.


Sorry I cannot quit or just AFK out, it’s just not in me. I stayed in a WSG one time when there were just three of us left in it.I died between 10 and 15 times In that BG.

I was kicked out of an RBG Because I would not give up and leave.

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Yes, several times the game turned around. But then again, the constant leaving has thrown an equal number of games I think.

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Word, go down with guns blazing. I think we need a straw poll about quitters. >>

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I think I had a twin peaks earlier with 9 players leave/join.

Everybody’s got their own reason for quitting. I just never found a reason for me quitting.

I don’t have nothing wrong with the people that if AFK out they got the own reasons for doing so.

I’m watching UFC right now and I’m a big Bama fan there was a guy on there that played for Alabama he got his a$$ kick for 3 rounds but never gave up.

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Probably. Still, those comebacks feel nice. The ragebabies missed out.

It would be fun if every time they left a BG they had to backfill for their next game.

Winning when you are a backfill feels amazing though. Feels like you carried the whole thing.


Maybe this song sums it up for me LOL