BG forums lounge (Part 1)

You know something that does p*** me off though is when I’m in a BG weather I winning or losing my modem decides to reset itself. I could die 20 times in a BG and not care, but when the modem interrupts my game time than I’m p***.

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Fix that crap man. Call your ISP and ask for a replacement or something. It’s 2019, the internet should always work.

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I live about 20 to 25 miles from Swifty I’m more in the country so maybe that’s why I got the best they have.

I bet his modem doesn’t restart!

I just AFKed out of a Wintergrasp match, what are yall up to right now?

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Don’t go to Las Vegas man.

How do you know I haven’t. Anything that may have allegedly happened there would have stayed there. Hypothetically speaking.

No more details are needed.

I’m not so sure that catchphrase holds up in 2019 lol

Game of Thrones season premiere is tonight, and we’ve got a legit snowstorm happening this morning.



Anyone doing a watching party? I reluctantly agreed to it, but have a feeling I’ll have to re-watch as soon as I get home so I won’t miss anything.

Car__to the leaver? Comes in, talks smack like he can carry his weight, does nothing, whines, leaves in multiple BGs? lol Yeah

Hey, how you like my Huntard having a higher healing done amount than our healers though? Haha :rofl:

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Ah yes, Car-lee-to, he told us he would just have to kick that much more azz when made aware of the team having no heals. Two minutes in, he showed us the way, Car-lee-to’s Way, the way to leave the battleground…again.

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Nerf Paladins, that’s what I think about that.

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Right? and after sitting in a long queue, I’m going nowhere nor am I “just let them win.”


Random player - “Omg, what is with these fire mages?! I’m flaming BG kibble!”

Blizz - “We hear you. We’re nerfing Ret.”


THIS. What is the deal with this? You get a long queue time, then you want the battle to end in two minutes? No way, those green skins are going to have to work for it.

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Blizz - “In fact, we’re working on the next way to dispel Divine Shield right now. We’re internally testing Rogues throwing a knife at it to dispel it, look for this on the next PTR build”.


They’re just jumping on the bandwagon as soon as they nerfed mages to the ground they will move on to the next OP Class.

Yeah wait till it’s nerfed so it’s back to all Demon Hunters lol