BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Played a fun 1hour AV last night. Just everyone killing each other mid, when we were finally able to steal a tower. Best AV I’d had in months.


Those are always my favorite.

Just 1 hour of non stop fighting, running in the backlines and acting like rambo with hit and runs on groups of 3 or less.


Haunted forest again tonight.

I’m 3/3 on cold rainy weekend for it :rofl:

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im out here repping ranged only surv at 70, i managed to do50k dps at ilvl 405…I have you know I am only kicked out of 9/10 groups

like i understand priests…
but hunters…?

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Yes, hunters are a great and fun class to have multiple off. Especially if it is your main.

Priest not so much, I can have 1, but I can’t even pick a spec, right now I’m toying with Shadow. I’m not a fan of cloth classes, their transmog are ugly.

I thought priests have one of the best xmog sets this season.

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They do, I’m just not a fan of robes in general. That particular set is awesome.

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So how was everyone’s weekend? I spent most of mine puking my guts out, apparently picked up food poisoning of some type either Thursday or Friday :face_with_spiral_eyes::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

Think I puked like 6 times during Saturday, and barely slept with the nauseous feeling keeping me up. Was not fun at all… it’s Tuesday now and I’m just barely starting to get my energy levels back. Honestly spent most of the weekend just rotting on my couch binge-watching random TV, not even any energy to do something simple like go for a walk or even enjoy WoW

I suppose there’s still filthy people out there that don’t wash their hands in the year 2023, smh :man_facepalming:

Be careful out there, there’s apparently a new/more aggressive strain of the stomach bug going around

I’m a fairly experienced fast-food junkie, and if this thing hit me (…a “veteran” fast-food junkie that almost never gets sick) THIS hard, then it must be something aggressive on the loose out there in the general public.

Stay safe, whatever new “strain” of this BS is running around out there must be pretty sophisticated/advanced this season :eyes:


Did a sleep study Sunday evening and took off Tuesday to recover 'cus I’ve got a ton of leave on the books. Back to work tomorrow and I’m super not excited -_-

And food poisoning sucks, sorry my dude.


Feel better buddy. You just got better at handling Fast-Food, level-up!

I was working all weekend so couldn’t really play much and also had a my nephew’s birthday.

I’m a month late on my backyard landscaping and at this rate it will be covered in snow before I have some free time again. The weather is getting cold up here, rain on the past 3 weekends… hoping for a small sunny week any time now… then it’s snow snow snow.


you will suffer for this insolence


You need to reform your diet.

There is too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria in your gut.

Tech Demo:

have a hemorrhoid, so I spent my weekend being miserable but also getting some painting done since sitting was a terrible experience. so I feel you on having a poopy weekend. I am almost all better though, its just really itchy now lol.