BG forums lounge (Part 1)

idk i think he looks pretty darn good right next to reptile and havik , sad my erron black isnt in the game tho he was my cowboy .

wells top being a button masher then :yum: :sob: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_peeking_eye: :smiling_face_with_tear: :crazy_face: :melting_face: :melting_face: :upside_down_face: :wink:

Wrong, FPS are bottom tier video games, just above sports games.

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Iā€™ve done it! Iā€™ve found a weapon that lets me show my cute gnomes face.
Wellā€¦ kinda.

Not if your forum posts get removedā€¦


Why would it get removed!?

Because you can see the face.


Iā€™m afraid i donā€™t follow

The gnome DKā€™s face should be covered in forum avatars.

Clearly, youā€™ve hacked your way around that restriction.


(Iā€™m j/k.)

I knew you were kidding, i just had to find the joke lol

Im a bit slow i apologize <3

Nah, itā€™s me. My jokes tend not to land and sometimes people get offended.

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Oh hun, iā€™ve never related harder to anything in my life.

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Also was joking that if your posts keep getting removed, we still wonā€™t be able to see your face.

It turns out, they werenā€™t getting removed from Floozey, They just werenā€™t posting for her to view for some reason, I ended up posting like 8 times in a row, and only noticed it because i had switched back to Anathemae.

On another note, Have you been doing the Time warp stuff? thereā€™s buttloads of cool transmog gear to be gotten.

Iā€™m behind in a lot of other content.

Sometimes, people mention stuff that I didnā€™t even know was in the game.

Mainly just do some LFRs, bgs, and RSS here and there. Casual stuff.

You should definitely look into it, before they take it away! It only takes 15 minutes out of every hour (it starts at the top of the hour). Iā€™ve just parked my gnome there at level 61 and switch over as the hour rotates over.

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Do you only have to do it once a week? Or as many times as possible?

Whatā€™s something cool that you want to get from it?

As far as i can tell you can do it as many times as there are hours in the day.

There are a couple of mounts (A purplish frostbrood vanquisher, A yellowish orange corehound, and more) And tons of weapons, So far ive gotten a Red Bryntroll the bone arbiter, A huge green polearm that looks like its from legion, and the axe my gnome is currently using for mog.

There is also ilvl 470 gear on a vendor that takes a rareish currency that comes from it, that also has cool mog. All of this gear has a chance to drop just from completing the runs as well as is purchasable for a currency earned by completing it.

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Ok, Iā€™m more interested now.

That sounds OP in PvP.


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I might be wrong on the item level XD

Gimme a minute and ill double check that, because now that i think about it that sounds hella wrong

Yeah, i was wrong, each piece is item level 402 and can be upgraded a total of 7 times to 8/8

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