BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Replying to force a notification, cause i can

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OK thats pretty close to being true, it might actually be true.

As long as you keep it to your fighting games :wink:

I believe it to be true, I dont judge anyone for playing games, play whatever you like.
But i do have to fight off the mean thoughts when someone mentions gaming and only plays cod fortnite valorant or madden.

im going to be MIA a lil from wow n some games dealing with some IRL issues so idk i might pop back in might not well see idk how long itll be but just so ppl dont get worried .


Irl stuff happens gl out there, I missed all of cata for irl stuff but sometimes its gotta happen.


I’m sorry to see you go T_T but i know all too well how that is, I hope everything goes well for you, and I look forward to your return


Hope you’re back soon, Kit, be well!


ty guys it prob wont be for long finding a new job fun times


Wow nostalgic, same thing happened to me like 5 months ago, best of luck m8.

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bout the same here


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It’s pretty good. Outclassed by Sub, as always, but pretty good.

<3 Much appreciated

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i has good news !!! i got the job guys !!!


Im proud of you :3

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thank you im so happy to be leaving my unfun horriable job for a much better one

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I can definitely see that! I’m glad to have you back on the forums bringing a cheery face to a droll place.

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Anyone ever had one of those nights where you wake up, go back to sleep, wake up again, go back to sleep, wake up and notice it’s “already” 5/6 AM and just get up and wing it? Yeah, I had “one of those” last night lol

Feeling sleepy-ish today from that fragmented “sleep”, just gonna plop down on the couch here in a bit and binge football/turn my brain off

Oh boy, those sleepy days where you’re “just going thru the motions” to get to the end - that’s what today felt like :yawning_face::zzz:

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im having a homemade pizza party in honor of removing toxic job out of my life pizza for everyone !!! :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :cocktail: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :clinking_glasses: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :mirror_ball: :mirror_ball: :mirror_ball: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Gj, nothing worse the the uncertainty of unemployment. When I quit my last job over the stress/relationship I felt so much better lol.

Yeah they are pretty annoying.