BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Style points.

Yeah lol I had a few 69s as well I am mostly joking when I make fun of them.

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Flashback to all the hate for 69s when 60s got moved to xp off.

Only a few days left of refunded play time. I can’t decide if I want to sub or not. Squeek is doing fresh on NW but that doesn’t appeal to me at all either.

Or you could help a friend gank more bubble hearthing bloodelf pallies on Wrath. Need a mass dispeller when I’m playing my warlock.


I told goofin I would start playing classic again for ulduar so until then I am just twinking on retail for fun. This patch that is coming out today is going to be a dumpster fire lol.

Exciting times.

having tor egear my lvl 30s because the ilvl changes were not retroactive is kinda annoying lol.

I think you and Goofin should play alliance on Grobb. Just sayin’

I subbed for a month mainly because it was AV weekend and I wanted to level my mage in PvP. Gonna play by ear from here.

Happy Turkey Day, all! :turkey:

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im gathering all infinity stones and im requiring 4 more

already have you and tosk, missing bandit, jugaa, and kirama

ya i talked to him a week ago or so

love that guy

Happy Thanksgiving for those of you that celebrate.

For the rest, happy Friday-eve!


Hasnt been on for 3 months :frowning: use to talk all the time.

same lol.

You too, already celebrated mine in oct because canada though.


Silly Canadians.

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What’s up fellow Gamers. I hear we are once again Gaming.


Wishing all the best in Dragonflight!


How is everyone this fine Monday morning?

I hope the new expansion is treating you well!

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Took leave M-W this week for kids’ stuff, nice to not be 3hrs into my normal work day :stuck_out_tongue:


About 3 hours into my normal workday :frowning:

Eating an apple waiting for this online meeting to start, wasting the time away by browning WoW forums.

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Gov systems don’t let me play on the forums :roll_eyes:


Sup, Nerds. How is everyone enjoying DragonForce so far?

I’m whatever level so far. The level process has been enjoyable. I haven’t been in too much of a hurry this time around. Excited to see what’s going on at the max level.

I didn’t buy it but the people I have talked to who are playing it have said good things.

Been too busy to play much WoW at all, but what little I do play is still on classic. I think modern WoW is behind me.

Merry Christmas everyone! :christmas_tree:

I can both recommend it and advise against it. It has a lot of the SL shenanigans built into classes now. But not as aggressively offensive.

So class design could be better but id still say its better than its been since legion first dumpstered it.

not so bad so far, I like dragon flying. Been spending too much time regearing various twinks instead of end game pvp though.