BG forums lounge (Part 1)

This has been talked about before but maybe if we mention it enough. Can we get rated epics?


I hope those rated epics will be queueable

Would be just like a regular RBG. Make a team and cue for a match.

There are certain av premaders that I would enjoy watching in a rated epic bg match just for my own amusement.

Tosk youā€™re finally awake! That fall looked really bad. Shadowlands? Bfa? Dragonflight? What are you talking about. Itā€™s time to log in itā€™s time for wargames vs hydra

Oof, the regular squad really died out.

Returning for my regular end of xpac-and-now-everything-plays-better-since-they-cut-the-bs-out run.

Miss the old crew. Hope everyone is doing well.


it really do be like that

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It sure did.

Ah well it was a good run. I drank an extra beer for all my fallen WoW comrades this weekend.

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I miss the crew. We didnā€™t survive the shadowlands lol. Random bgs have taken it on the chin since legion. Maybe DF will be much more kind to us.

Hopefully weā€™ll all be on here asking for blizz to make cross faction random bg group queuing in DF.

(jdpp here)


Miss you too bby. :kissing_heart:

I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to play dragon flight, at least not right away. I just resubbed over the weekend to screw around in wrath for a while. I didnā€™t even know DF was scheduled to come out in November until a saw an ad on YouTube lol.

I hope itā€™s a good expansion for everyone and that yā€™all have fun!

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Odds are itā€™ll suck and weā€™ll just suck in the copium til we get disgruntled and stop logging in 1 by 1 to randomly check the lounge ever so often hoping the dev team that made everything suck years ago magically made the game fun.

im still lurking around but yeah most ppl have quit it seems or moved over to wotlk classic ( cant blame em its a good xpac)

i miss legion forums

pour one out to all the homies lost in time


So Blizzard gave me (Jadei) back 90 days of my cancelled 6 month sub and Iā€™ve been leveling priest and warlock in Wrath. Itā€™s been fun, but itā€™s lonely so when my time is up, not sure Iā€™ll sub. I have zero interest in modern WoW and classic is lonely without friends. :frowning:

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Did you and squeeker beat Brimstone Sands yet?

Nope. Logged on after the update and had no company. I checked out the new look in EF and logged off. I think Squeek is thinking about doing the fresh server though. Doubt I do.

I am probably not ging to play wotlk until uld is out, gonna keep screwing around with twinks on retail until then.

Lol. I burned out right before it dropped. I got to 600gs at least.

Im ally now if you ever want to do bgs.

Wrath was my favorite expansion, flaws and all so I am enjoying the content. Also love playing a demo 'lock while leveling. Easy mode questing and getting ganked by rogues ends with them dying or running away most of the time. Itā€™s been sweet revenge.

Yeah, that gypsum grind is the most repetitive thing I think I have ever done in a game. Still suffering burn out from it.

Ally in modern WoW? I havenā€™t touched my characters on there since mid BfA. All sitting at level 50 in crap gear and thatā€™s probably where they will stay.

That was my Classic choice. Itā€™s a re-creation of my original main.

Iā€™ll stop once I reach 80 or Dragonflight comes out, whichever happens first.