BG forums lounge (Part 1)

HAHA Omegas.

New AV!

Never fall back! Oh, never fall back! Claim the mines! Hold the line!

They summoned the Ice Lord! Hurry! Fall back!



I was gonna give you a :blue_heart: until that part. Like Squeek said, green boys are the gnomes of NW. Syndicate is the master faction. You did pick the right server though.

I love the crafting system. It’s all on one character. I don’t need 5 alts to level professions to cover everything. I just hope this duping is cleaned up once and for all. I hated storing 100+ lbs of potions 'cause Trading Post was locked because of trophy duping.

I’ve heard rumors that arena may be added later and I would love smaller instanced PvP too. I like that the devs are candid and open with the players. Hopefully that will last and lead to more instanced PvP than OPR. Still working my way to 60 though so no rush.


I’m glad y’all are having fun with it!


Seeing as the dwarf from WOW is on the marauders and the gnome and frail elf is with the syndicate, I think we can conclude that the gnome faction is indeed the syndicate.

By the way are you running fire staff, or does the idea of fire scare you elves after teldrassil?

Yeah was a pain when they shut down the trading post, couldn’t get a portion of the main quest done since mats are in a level 60 area. Although I’m glad to hear they banned all those players who duped items.


New arenas:

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I started out hammer and life staff. Both were fun, but after I tried ice/fire, I liked it a lot so that’s what I’ve been using for awhile, but they both got pretty heavy nerfs in today’s patch. Tried out void gauntlet tonight. I’m still undecided on it.

Please tell me you aren’t playing ga/wh!

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Ice and fire needed a nerf, they were strong in leveling and they were broken in current iteration of pvp. Think life staff is next issue at least pvp wise.

And no I run Warhammer and axe, like a proper dwarf. All magic users are wazzoks in my eyes.

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Boo. They remind me of the ogres in WoW. Me smash! You die! Rwar!

I think I’m going to stick with ice/fire. Even after nerfs, they are still a lot of fun. I’ve been running light armor. Love my roll, but I think I’m going to try medium armor too. I feel super squishy. There are still several weapons I haven’t tried, or at least not much. Hatchet, spear, bow, greater axe, musket. I eventually want to try them all.

Waiting on server merges to see what servers look like, but I am not opposed to transferring. I don’t want to go back to a queue, but more players in the world will be good.

Squeek and I made a pact when we started this game that we were not going to spend as much time playing it as we did WoW and here we are spending more time. :joy:

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Glad you’re having fun!

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The problem with going heavy is the fighting feels very clunky and slow. Heavy weapons are slow and war hammer is extremely slow to the point where you can’t even get off a auto on some mobs without being staggered. Also remember at the start someone doing the math and finding that the extra rolls are better than the small amount of damage reduction you get for going heavier armor.

I’d be fine if they merge us with another small server. I’d rather not get a ton of new people who will steal my ore. It’s mainly the only reason I play this game, to satisfy my mining.

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Just checking in with myself to say it’s near the end of November and you’d still aren’t 70 you slacker.


October 2023 right? You can do it! I have faith in you.

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The WoW Community Council has been convened.

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May they rule justly and with wisdom.


I took a peek at the Community forum and it was refreshing to see game developers interacting with actual players on player concerns, like PvP gearing. Hoping it leads to great changes.

Sub ends soon. This game gave me 17 years of (mostly) fun and I made some good friends along the way. Maybe I’ll return someday, but really not feeling it these days. All my retail characters are stuck at mid-BfA and my classic ones never even hit 70. That’s a lot of catchup.

Tsataga, Holycow, it’s up to you to keep this thread alive. Counting on you.

Happy Holidays!


You will be missed night elf.

Auf Wiedersehen

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Finally made it to level 70.

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Please don’t go!


/shakes fist at WoW PvP

Happy Holidays!



Merry Christmas BG forums. I’m sure you’ve all been very naughty very good children this year.

Have a good day today.