BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Go for Meliodaf or Ba-an, I’m sure no one will recognize those.

That name is unavailable.

Baan is also unavailable.

Eh I’m kinda tapped on anime knowledge now.

What race/class are you trying to name?

I’m going the other direction.

After I get a name that’s available, then I’ll figure out race/class. (Because I can delete and remake the toon with the same name.)


That’ll be a toughie. I’ll need to put in my thinking hat and grab my thinking pipe.

Ah nerts I don’t have Tl3 on this character, so no gif.

No worries.

I’m actually kinda impressed that all the names have been taken.

I’ll do more research and try again later.

Well Holymoocow is available on Grobbulus :grin:

Ayyy waddup fellow bg go’ers.

Playing classic has rekindled my wife’s interest in wow, so now I have to buy a second computer

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Happy π day

They tried to tell me πr^2 but it had a wrongful sound
Caus Ma usta bake neer every Saturday
And I know pie are round!


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Gonna enjoy some corned beef and cabbage tonight.

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So I don’t see any way to get from rank 11 to rank 12 without pvping 18 hours a day so I’m hard stuck on rank 11. Leveling a warlock for fear spam and TBC instead!

Those Defias Pillagers though. Weren’t they like the second deadliest NPC in vanilla?

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They were wrecking us until we hit 18?

I dunno those things hit hard.

I’ve got to make the trek to Shadowfang tonight or tomorrow, that should be fun.

Did you ever find a name you liked?

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Unfortunately, since it’s a RP realm, I’m pretty sure I’ll get reported the moment someone sees me.

I’m waiting for the level 58 boost so I won’t be as sad when all my work on the toon goes down the drain.

I’ve seen some pretty… interesting… names so unless it’s really egregious I’m not sure it’ll be an issue.

If you want an at level dungeon buddy hit me up, as long as you’re alliance.


My toon’s only shot at survival is if all the GMs don’t watch anime so they ignore the name reports.


What level are you around?

Don’t wait for me though, because I’m probably going to use the level boost so I don’t get too attached to the toon. I feel kinda sad knowing there’s a real chance I might lose its name.

Yeah I’ve seen plenty of names that are very much not suitable for RP and they’re level 60 without forcing a name change. I mean if they allow Squeektoy, anything goes! :wink:

My level 13 warlock had it rough. They were killing my voidwalker while I spam healed it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


21 on the Hpal, 12 on the Druid.

I’ll probably be playing Druid this weekend, I normally level the Paladin with Lisa and i don’t want to get too far ahead. Except I am gonna try and find a SFK group, or a bored 60 to get into those stables.

You are way braver than me, I stayed clear of moonbrook until I was 16 and I still went in there with a meat shield warrior and a mage. :rofl:

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