BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’ve noticed that WoW players are migrating over to Valheim and they seem to be having a lot of fun.

It’s honestly just everyone lol… Most of my steam list aren’t wowers and they’ve gone ham on that game. The way they explain it to me doesn’t interest me much, but it definitely has a lot of people hooked so it’s doing something right…

  1. apparently I just needed to post in this toon to get this thread active again. /high-five @me

Well I’ll be 60!on this soon and I’ll consider rolling a classic Druid and playing tbc.

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See I don’t feel that way. I chose a faction knowing that faction conflict was “mandated” due to the premise of the game. As far as hurting the gameplay, it’s been heading this direction for awhile. It didn’t happen overnight. It reached this level, in part, due to inaction.

Blizzard is going to do what they’re going to do and given their track record, they’ll probably take the easiest way out.

Yes it has. Both factions have short PvP queues. I’d say win rates are relatively even. Finding groups for PvE content is healthy for both factions. Blizzard screwed up realm transfers that ended in 3-4 realms being almost 100% one faction, but the overall is good.

Hellfire is going to be so much fun on a PvP realm!

What server do I need?

Um… if I actually do it. :neutral_face:

Grobbulus. RP-PvP. Your life will never be the same. :wink:

Yup, this made me sad lol…

Lol took the awesomeness of ed and took it back to classic

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Valheim is pretty fun but it’s mostly just getting away from the sweatiness in wow. Sorry for repeating the word sweaty but I don’t really know how else to describe my feeling toward the game. It seems the only way for me to get enjoyment out of wow is to go ham on the progression system, but the progression system in turn is what burned me out lol.

Valheim is fun though. It’s also a game where you don’t have artificial scarcity and limited time to do specific tasks each week to progress. cough wow So just logging in a few times each week and collecting a few berries for meads or mining stone to build my castle walls is… relaxing? and a reminder of what video games are suppose to be about lol.

So is your suggestion of faction merging that there are no hostile territories and you’ll see Night Elves in Orgrimmar and Goblins in Stormwind? That ruins a lot of the ‘War’ in the name to me.

Honestly, I get what people want with cross faction groups. Maybe it is the solution. I just think some of the magic of the game is going to be lost without the ‘war’, and several game functions will suffer such as War Mode.

Lol 100% explains my feels for the game since legion… Looking forward to tbc though. Nostalgia in full force. Legitimately only leveled in classic when it first came out so that I had toons ready for tbc that I knew was coming

Lol yeah, it must be as everyone’s playing it… I don’t get it myself but clearly there is something there.

I have no idea and I don’t want it lol… That being said, i think it would address some issues. I’d much rather other fixes but I’m sure those have lots of issues. My wants.

Reinstate PvP servers. Merge low pop servers that are one sided to increase pops and balance the pops.
Put faction population caps on each faction so that it forces an equilibrium. Stops realm xfers from ruining servers like it did in classic without completely removing people’s ability to xfer.

I know I know, I sound like a communist or something, but those fixes sound way better to me. I hate the direction the game is going. Cross realm and warmode absolutely sucked the soul out of an awesome PvP realm in Ed.

See, I didn’t think I was burned out, but now that I’m almost at 60 on Blue Tsa I’m thinking about having to regrind Torghast to get BoaT and then get all the soul ash to make it and find all the darn conduits again and gain 40 renown levels and…

Bleh. I dont want to do that. Classic suddenly sounds better than it did this morning.


That name is unavailable.

That name is unavailable.

That name is unavailable.


Tsataga was totes available though.



you don’t need to do tor though, i haven’t done it in like 6 weeks.
got KSM, AOTC with a 210 pve legendary lmao, Hero with a 225 leggo.

Alt gearing definitely sucks though, the renown feels easy, but gearing sucks. thank god 9.0.5 is tomorrow that will enable alts so well.

Bynir, people will choose to play alliance because of aesthetic and radials at least for pvp. alliance pvpers rn are actually higher performing than horde, in PVE the racials are way better and the imbalance mainly stems from there.
Humans are v good this exp for pvp at least.

It was Squeek. Or maybe it was Jd. They’re jerks like that!


After seeing many, many names were unavailable, I briefly contemplated testing to see if Tsataga was still available, but I didn’t want to name block you.


That was very kind of you.

There are a couple Tsataga’s out there, but as of right this moment, all are my toons.

I’m sure that’ll change now that I’ve mentioned it.


So first impressions of classic is I feel like I’m playing a 16 bit game in terms of graphics, but that’s fine cuz I’m an old fart and I like old things like talk radio and antiques. Leveling is how I remember from early BC days but it is a refreshing change of pace, doubly so considering I have no sugar daddy 60 to feed my new toon gold and bags and such. (No I don’t want them, just considering how I would level an alt on retail)


About this alleged faction merger:

Playing with friends is great. It can make the mundane fun and the fun fantastic.

Know what’s even better though?

Having enemies. These aren’t players you hate irl but you hate that toon said player plays and it fires you up like nothing else.

“That warrior is on our kos (kill on sight) list”

“What he do to us?”

“Uh, I don’t remember tbh”

“Let’s corpse camp him”

My enjoyment of the game peaked when I had a big group of friends as well as a big group of enemies. When those enemies were vanquished and scattered to the wind, I still had those friends and it was fine playing still but not nearly as great as when I had those enemies.

It’s not that classic is so great as a game itself, it’s fine but not great. But it does provide me with enemies and I love me some enemies.

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Well, I didn’t want you to also get stuck on the character creation screen like me.

I’ll come up with a name that’s available someday…


Are we allowed to use anime names? Or do those violate RP server rules?

WoW players probably don’t watch anime, so those names should be free…

That name is unavailable.

That name is unavailable.

That name is unavailable.

OH come on…
