BG forums lounge (Part 1)

We had near a 40 degree swing today.

-8 when I left for work and 30 when I went to grab lunch. Supposed to go back into single digits tonight.


BlizzConline Leaks

** spoilers ** warning

Diablo 2 Resurrected.

See you guys in 20 years.



The entertainment industry has run out of ideas, we can only get remasters of 20 year old games and reboots of popular 80s/90s movie franchises forevermore.

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I feel kinda bad for the Diablo 4 team.

Maybe I’m projecting, but I would guess that most people are probably a lot more excited about the Diablo 2 remaster.

Considering DIV is probably two years away, I doubt they’re that worried.

definitely don’t feel bad, the hunger for a fresh game is there. once it gets closer, and the beta comes out, the hype will be through the roof.

don’t forget that d3 was the fastest selling PC games right up until Shadowlands broke that record, and then soon after Cyberpunk. D4 will likely break it again.

Woah… It sounds like Ion is considering letting the factions play together in the future due to the growing faction imbalance in more difficult content (e.g. mythic raids, mythic+ dungeons, etc.).

He knows Blizzard can get these players to change factions by massively overbuffing the Alliance racials, but that’s not a good solution.

No more retail for me if they merge factions.

World of Warcraft is and always will be alliance vs horde to me.

I’d much rather be able to group with you on the much more progressed Moo Cow than on my nelf Druid that I haven’t actually leveled yet because all my alliance friendos are playing classic.

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If you only had your Moo Cow and cross-faction grouping was allowed, I wonder if Jadei would refuse your request to play together.

I did… kinda… burn down their house, so I guess I’d understand if Jadei wouldn’t want to play with MooDruid.

I wouldn’t be playing a version of World of Warcraft without faction conflict so it wouldn’t be a decision I had to make.

I get that faction imbalance is bad for the game, but Blizzard is partially to blame by continually removing the downside to playing the dominant faction. On classic, if one faction is better than the other for whatever reason, players have to level a new character on the opposite faction. On retail, paid faction change. On classic, if queue times are too long for one faction, players have to level another character to get the shorter queues. On retail, merc mode. Arena queues too long for one faction? Same faction arena. There is really no reason not to play the dominant faction on retail. No commitment necessary. Faction imbalance reached the level it has, in part, because of them. Allowing cross/merged faction raiding or PvP is the easy way out, imo.

Hmm… I guess we’ll never know…


I think that’s a huge barrier to friends playing together.

If I want to play with a friend in Classic, I need to spend a couple weeks/months leveling a new toon to 60. Hopefully, they’re still playing the game at that point, but no guarantees.

Assuming balanced racials, cross-faction grouping would allow players to pick the faction that they truly like. They wouldn’t feel forced to pick the dominant faction because it’s a lot easier to find groups for more challenging content, that’s where all their friends are, etc.

It requires some dedication and commitment, yes. It’s only a barrier if you allow it to be. My horde characters were not faction swaps, they were leveled because I wanted to play horde too and part of that experience, for me, is leveling through horde leveling zones. But you can even pay to boost a character now so leveling the other faction takes less time and dedication.

And again, that’s the easy way out. They allowed it to reach this level and their only option to fix it is cross faction?

In the end, they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do so what we think is largely irrelevant anyway.

Well, how would you suggest that they fix the faction imbalance?

they would probably do a merc mode for PVP and PVE where you can just merc into your friends groups and maybe even the group finder, but not merge factions. I think that would be a neat way to do it.

Being able to play with your friends regardless of faction would be a great thing for the game.
Restricting players is the way of the past times, classic has the most restrictions.

I also feel if you’re skipping Shadowlands, you’d be likely to not play retail again as the next expansion will be bad with the pattern to go by. SL is easily the best expansion since MoP for PVP, and maybe 9.1 they’re bringing back the WoD PVP gearing systems which would just top it off.

I have been having a lot of fun in shadowlands, but a big part of that is the goofballs I’ve been raiding/rated BGing with.

Whelp since my Horde guild apparently up and died overnight sometime last week I guess I’m gonna play BlueDruid for a while.


What happened?