BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’ve figured out what I hate about seeing your posts.

It’s your guild name.

You know what to do.

I hope my double enter key after each sentence has not talked you out of it.

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My guild name best guild name

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I just hope half the raid team drinks your zanzil potions.

I’ll have you know that this guild name has a storied past that can be traced all the way back to the time I saw it as someone’s Arena Team name and then remembered how funny it was that one time we needed a name for our new guild.


I sort of like “Beat Deadbeat Dads” bettor . But as I don’t do guilds, I guess my opinion doesn’t count. :man_shrugging:

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SL still good and patch 9.0.5 the fastest fix to the game they’ve done wow :eyes:

I’m glad after a 60 dollar expansion and 4 months of sub fees for another 60 bucks we finally get the full version of the game. It’s like the season pass on call of duty all over again lol…

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This thread is too far down the page.

How is everyone today? Doing well?

We’ve got some snow happenin right now.


Not bad honestly, best thing about the snow for me is you get to see all the animal footprints that travels through it, our backyard is close to a local forest zone and the kids loves to try and figure out what creatures came through our back yard at night

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We got lots of snow and subzero temps. It was -9 here this morning. :cold_face:

I love the snow, but would prefer it not get this cold to get it!

And what’s up with our power grids? Who knew a cold blast could stress them this easily?!

If you’re talking about Texas, I think they’re having issues because they run their own power grid separately from the rest of the country. This lets them avoid federal regulations, so they didn’t winterize their power plants.

Same here. -9f (around -23 C for our more civilized friends) and I spent 4 hours shoveling a driveway that’s literally a pad big enough to fit 3 vehicles in. The drifting was pretty bad.

It’s not just Texas, we have 3 distinct but interconnected grids in the contiguous 48, and I’m pretty sure a rough sneeze at the wrong spot could knock out huge areas of power.

There’s one giant grid for the west half of the country. There’s another giant grid for the east half of the country.

And Texas. Texas kept themselves isolated, so they don’t need to follow federal regulations and winterize their power plants.

Actual footage of tsataga shoveling snow


Yeah I’m in the Midwest and they’re doing rolling blackouts so it’s impacting several states.

I want it to warm up enough to go play in all this snow!

Snow is best played in those first like 2 days.

We’ve still got foot + around in the northeast but it’s all hard and no good for snowpeoples.

Ok where is the camera.
Thats creepy.

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We’re still getting snow and today might be the day we go play. Temps actually above zero.


We’re supposedly getting another bunch of snow tomorrow/friday.

It started snowing again here in Montucky on and off over the last few days. This is after it snowing for like two weeks straight. Mostly been below zero too for the last several weeks. I have forgotten what the sun looks like. But on the bright side we have the infrastructure in place to handle this.

I got lucky yesterday it was relatively warm (40 F) yesterday afternoon while I stood in line for an hour to get my first 5G Brain Melting Juice injection.