BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I’m not sure what you mean by this? Lol

Yeah they’re probably as or more impactful than conduits and such. Cdew showed some pretty nutty healer ones.

It will be interesting to see if we can get all the good recipes by pvping or if it will be essence style and we get stuck in a good ol fashioned vitality conduit situation.

I think they are recipe like items and the ones that drop are guaranteed drops if I’m not mistaken. I heard this a few weeks ago so it could have easily changed.

They are dispersed throughout all the content though. You can farm and buy the recipe for the generic ones but not the spec specific ones.

Again this was weeks ago.

My rogue only has like 3 maybe 4 I am going to go after before I just start stockpiling resources. If it’s anything like Legion, you will need to farm a currency to upgrade your legendaries to a higher item level in the following patch and all newly acquired legendaries start out at a higher item level. So I’m not buying/crafting any extra legendaries until the meta shifts or it’s the last patch of the expansion.

I think we’re going to miss him.


Thanks for trying to improve PvP!

What makes you say this? Because of the amount of preorders?

I’ve gotten into the habit of referring to the group of folks on this forum who blame their losses on everything but themselves our “Chorus of Shriekers.” Right now the boogeyman is armies of sweaty Mythic Raid Gear premade voice comm commandos who are ruining their player experience, I’m guessing that the new boogeyman could be “deep pocket, credit card wielding tryhards who bought their legendaries” will be their new Boogeyman.

The brain drain at Blizzard continues. : (

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We better hope that Holinka has time to keep an eye on PvP.

Otherwise, this expansion might really have zero PvP devs.

Seriously. Because listening to this dude list all things he worked on, he sounds like the pvp department was literally just him.

But oh man am I loving this tea.

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You want to play prot paladin in arena?
Its ok for me if blizzard cut those heals for 4/5.

Hard disagree. Pvp has progressively gotten worse under his watch. Also if this guy truly pvp’d and he allowed destro to be destro all of bfa? Pleasseeeee. Get this guy out of here imo.

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Bleh… Lol

Bleh… Thanks for being honest but uninspiring to me coming back :joy:

Eh he’s been around for quite a while. I liked mop PvP quite a bit. Hard to say how much Influence he had on the latest stuff.

I think one can safely say though that one less guy working on pvp stuff at blizzard is not a good thing. Especially when it sounds like a tiny crew as is.

Hey I’m a realist underneath it all lol.

It’s safe to say this guy has worked up the pole and not down it since he started in tbc/wrath. That being said you can say he’s had more influence over pvp design decisions in recent years than wrath-mop. Now look at pvp as a whole since then. It’s gotten worse. Significantly worse.

Just looking at bfa alone he’s done the pvp scaling, gpie, overall pvp balance with 8.3 destro, crap rewards for 10 weeks into every season, and I’m sure I’m missing other obvious ones.

This guy has been awful for the past 4 years.

Or less because activision got more and more involved and wanting stupid infinite grinds.

All garbage for sure. But again, they barely touched PvP all expansion. Balancing? A reliable source of residum? A PvP way to upgrade our benthic gear? Like they literally didn’t care about PvP all expansion. So how much is him and how much is blizzard giving zero craps about PvP and not listening to him.

The last 4 years have been terrible. You know I agree with you on that. I just don’t know how much we can lay at his feet.

Did he leave because they didn’t seem to care about PvP or listen to him? Or did he leave because he was responsible for the failed scaling experiment. We don’t really know. I’m just worried about less PvP minded PvP people at blizzard. Are we going to be even more of an afterthought? (As impossible as that may seem lol).

He was the one who attempted to explain how scaling works on his personal twitter account. It makes sense that’s his baby.

He’s obviously trying to get hired on somewhere with this kind of info but he conveniently skips the much hated things lol.

My favorite is him saying he designed almost all the honor talents when really they are just rehashed abilities that already existed in the game. Like give me a break lol.

Also, Blizz hired that starcraft numbers guy to balance things a week or two ago I’m assuming to help fill Kaleiki’s role.

That or he was the only pvp guy that cared enough to say anything about it?

Lol I’m not sure where templates came from honestly but I blame them for scaling. Clearly they tried to make a template system where gear mattered. Whoever thought templates were better than wod gearing is the guy that needs the true slap.

This falls to activision in my mind. Wanting an infinite grind. So they could introduce never ending ilvl hunting without affecting PvP too much. Impossible to say though. Doubt anyone is ever going to claim credit for templates or scaling :joy:

I dunno… He probably already has something lined up. I find it hard to believe you’d leave something cushy with nothing to back it up. Also I doubt a different company would even know what he is talking about, popular or not lol… Like I’ve played swtor a fair amount and I couldn’t tell you if some class changes were popular or not lol.

It’s definitely a self righteous video though. Most people though like to remember their accomplishments and forget their failures lol.

Yeah hopefully that means more frequent balancing… Prepatch hasn’t shown much but he hasn’t had much time I guess.

I guess it just boils down to my only worry is less PvP minds at blizzard lol… Good or bad… Less usually isn’t better, especially when it’s to the point of non existence

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You know he had to be there at the decision table when they decided templates in legion and scaling in bfa. Looking at the website there of his accomplishments he is all over that. “(Gameplay/Lead)” is his wording beginning in Legion. Coincidence? Nah…

Lol he even lists Legion world pvp quests. The ones that alternated zones where you never saw the opposing faction and did 0 wpvp at.

A seat at the table doesn’t mean you have any say lol… My executive director tells me how it is all the time and leaves me to explain it to the staff :expressionless:

Lol he mentioned warmode which made me shudder haha…

I dunno man… Impossible to say. I honestly wish blizzard would full on create a small but official PvP team. Would go a long ways.

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So after watching the vid and looking at his list of work on his website you truly believe this guy didn’t touch scaling, templates, and balancing and that he was merely a seat at the table while calling himself gameplay lead?

Kinda baffling tbh.

Meh you can put whatever the heck you want on your resume. He probably did have some responsibility. Still though, if he’s getting what he wants, why is he leaving? He was also around for mop/wod and I liked both of those.

Anyways blizzard, give me an official PvP team lol

In my experiences with him, he was always a good guy - really open to listening to feedback and making changes based on what players wanted, even so much as reaching out directly to ask thoughts.

All an assumption but with a lot of recent departures and based on what they have since said, I get the sense Blizzard has lost autonomy in what decisions can be made that doesn’t immediately fit the scope of “how do we get players to spend as much time in game as possible” and has lost sight of the fact that if the game is fun, people will play.

I will miss him and his open communication. The lack of changes recently or open lines of communication I think is something above him - it seems to be policy to not engage with players unless it has been vetted and comes through particular channels.

At any rate, agree with Nawat. One less designer with a passion for PvP is not a good thing.