If not for the group of friends we got going I couldn’t play 8.3. Having a dedicated group to where you never pug anything changes this game so much.
You should join us
If not for the group of friends we got going I couldn’t play 8.3. Having a dedicated group to where you never pug anything changes this game so much.
You should join us
I’d need a hard carry on a very undergeared spriest.
Then wait til prepatch and start fresh with us into SL. We got tsataga a few dungeon runs in.
Welcome to the carry club.
I even managed to fall off a bridge to my doom in the first dungeon, which was hilarious and not at all embarrassing.
Haha, we need echoes anyway and all of us like running m+. It’s kinda relaxing doing lower keys to not have to think about it mechanics.
But seriously though, playing this game with a fun group of friends has changed wow to be a really fun game. There’s no way I could play it solo anymore. If my group all quit, I’d shop for another one instead of being a lone wolf.
I’m definitely PvE challenged. I can screw up in ways nobody has ever seen before.
I also managed to pull a boss with my big bull booty which was also hilarious and not at all embarrassing.
Seriously it was good fun. I haven’t had that much fun in PvE in forever. This guild is full of good people.
And Jd.
That part scares me the most. He’s such a jerk! He wouldn’t even give me all his gold for my epic mount in classic.
Should have been a paladin and gotten that sweet “free” epic mount.
Free after how many arcanite bars and trips to Scholomance? I watched Squeek get her “free” epic mount for her warlock after we spent weeks camping rich thorium veins praying for arcane crystals.
Jd giving me his gold was a much better solution.
Let the record be known that I did give you a boe to sell or use!
Also check your bnet messages, I’ve spammed you for 20 minutes.
Another also… I need a price check on mooncloth. I have like 50-60 in my bags.
Mail them to me. I’ll take care of it for you. I’m a good friend like that.
Classic or retail? I’ll pay top dollar for mooncloth in retail.
For reasons…
Classic lol…
I don’t know if it’s good that we’re ok with 20-minute queues for a bg.
More a statement of fact than a condoning of the situation.
I do other things while in the queue. I wish it were faster, that’s why I played blue for much of the expansion, but JD sweet talked me into joining his guild and I need something to do on raid nights.
Hmmmm, just noticed you faction changed from the Night Elf in the very first post of this thread.
Welcome to the Horde
Anyways, 47 minutes sounds pretty extreme… are you Q’ing with a premade, by chance? I’ve never had a queue that long unless I was in a premade. Solo-queue is almost always under 30 minutes.
Nah MooDruid was first, but I was playing blue when I made this thread.
No premade or group, just me.
Hmmmm… sounds odd, but I guess the matchmaking system can produce such abnormal queues once in a blue moon.
Oh sure, I was more frustrated waiting that long to get some friends helpfully sharing low level quests repeatedly over and over.
I think one of the was even the Cluck! quest and I thought that one had been removed.
Today it’s more funny than irritating, but last night it was more “glad I waited 45 minutes for these bull cookies”