BG forums lounge (Part 1)

For catching that gouge, I’ll offer you a very special rate.

Only $99.99 for 2 rolls, or 3 for $169.99!

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Why does the unit price increase when I buy 3 rolls?!

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Do you like apples?

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Imagine, scalping for toilet paper in 2020.

Better start buying up that Bounty, eventually people will get desperate enough to wipe with ANOTHER FORM OF PAPER.

Bounty, The Quicker Picker (& In Stock, But Kind Of Rough) Upper!

Im only angry that people started buying baby wipes since they cant get TP so my kids might be affected. Im not a nice person when my kids come into equations.

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Our restaurants and bars are closed down statewide. All our schools too. What’s goin’ on for everyone else?

Yep. Same here. They closed malls today too.

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Blarg, today should be a day of Guinness and Corned Beef w/ potatoes for me. Here I am not even wanting to go to the store unnecessarily. Happy Paddy’s Day anyway! :beer: :beers: Rocax can bring home some suds on his way back from work I guess. Unless there’s a beer shortage too! :grimacing:


I’m about to go find out :rofl: And my liquor store is stacked :sweat_smile:


I live in an area with 2 cities that make up the metro area…one basically closed everything entertainment/service industry wise and the other restricted to 50 people inside, so basically staff…for food delivery. I’m in IT, usually 50% of my job I do from home but since all this started I’ve been putting in over 10 hours a day in the data center. Everyone stays home = Internet usage goes way, way up!


Well, it’s a good thing all the data controllers can just, remove the cap for awhile.

Revealing that things could just be like that, whenever. lol


Got myself 3 30 packs of bud light. On top of the 20 I already had in my latest case. I’m ready. Still no TP and I’m down to two rolls so I guess not ready.

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So you aren’t ready…to roll.

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You are not prepared…yeah, sorry, my Illidan voice is fail.

Did you really go here?

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Sure, I go here. I go there. I can go anywhere. As long as the cops don’t see me.

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You’re going to be doing the one square wipe if you don’t find some lolol


This whole thing is just a big conspiracy created by the Big-Bidet companies.


You’d think they would at least pick a virus that makes me run to the potty every 5 min.

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