BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Classic has made me miss pvp before Legion. Classic pvp is wow pvp in its infancy, and Legion+ pvp and class design are horrendous.

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Classic PVP is like Twink PVP in retail. Its really itching that itch for me.

I love the speed! So much damage! Consumables are powerful, professions mean everything in each fight, and so does gear. I absolutely cannot wait for BGs.

I got into a huge fight at the Nessingwary quests, about 8v8. Ended up dotting everyone then getting charged+Mortal Strike+heroic strike crit and just splatted. Then I sat and watched as everyone I dotted melted.

This is what PVP should be.

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More like pvp before wod.

WOD pvp wasn’t that bad though, gear was easy to get, and class design at least for pally was decent. Only glaring issue was the mass amount of cheaters and blizzard’s inability to stop them from cheating

The talents, proffessions and added in spells + addition of counter play, makes it far more engaging than current retail wows pvp.

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It’s definitely changed my perspective on a few things in retail for sure. For one, I like the hybrid tax, non hybrids have 0 sustain, and healers heal. It’s just a lot of flavor imo.

That right there alone is what makes my Alchemy so useful to my guild. All the nooblings leveling I send a Strong Trolls Blood potion and they’re infinitely grateful.

I don’t miss retail at all nor do I plan to play it again. The most gameplay I participated in during the last 3 expansions was premade AV, but there’s no reason to go there when we’re gonna have classic AV. and besides that I’m really looking forward to the community oriented wpvp classic should bring

Speaking of premade av, our arch enemy decided on a pve server so sadly no part two because I refuse to play a pve server.


PvE server. Disgusting.

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Spoken like someone who’s never PVPd.
WoD started the PVP downfall because it sucked. :thinking:

Pls I’d smash your face in any bg, boy

My left nut hitting the keyboard would still out do you. :cowboy_hat_face:

Ya couldn’t even face my dog’s neuteured nuts would be too much for you. You can’t face the big boss yet until you face his minions minions butlers dog, then you an work up the chain.

Careful your level caps at 60 not 120 :smiling_imp:

I don’t play either, I’ve quit WoW for the most part, just got time remaining on my account.

Find anything else to keep you busy or focusing on life?

Got a switch, and playing steam games. Life for the most part is sorted for the next 4 years as for now unless I get injured or something. :slight_smile:

Im still wanting to pick up mordau or whatever that medieval combat game is. Also have cyber punk and outerworlds coming up

When I left I downloaded a bunch of mods and installed it on skyrim. Felt like a new game and occupied me for 130 hours.

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I thought about doing this again as well. My skyrim is already heavily modded but there is no telling what has been put out there nowadays.