BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Well I mean even on retail alch is really good but thats just it. There is only a handful of good proffs that are always useful.

I’ve got the patience for it, I’ve grinded plenty of things 95% of WoW population hasn’t done. Patience doesn’t compensate boredom though :grinning:

I believe I’ll get back next year and Classic will be a blimp with a healthy population but a 80% drop off. Rather next exp be good and hopefully I come back to just that.

People have been loving the wands and bags I been sending them :slightly_smiling_face:


Welp was gunna do more bgs but server maintenance. Guess its OW until work.

You are playing the class that cheesed it’s way to 60 in a couple days (just the wrong race, GNOME POWAH!). Idk, how mage is playing though.

I can see it boring some people and maybe I will feel the burden of leveling later on as it takes longer and longer but I’m nowhere near there yet.

Doesn’t matter about classes, they’re all boring af in end game tbh.

This is pretty much the truth. Especially when you get into the whole not being able to use some abilities because of boss debuff limits. Ferals couldnt really do much because our dots took up valuable debuff spots.

Well I didn’t play vanilla or anything really like it. Wrath was close but I wasn’t in it long enough to know what was going on. So at least it’s all new to me.

Meanwhile me on my affliction warlock…

“Why is everyone yelling at me!? I want to put up my dots!”

Yeah at least at that point most druids were specced to dps a bit as feral,heal, and offtank.

There have been some interesting ways feral druids have been getting good DPS in raids though.

Powershifting and Crowd Pummeler have certainly changed things up.

Having to spend most of the day farming a consumable buff on a weapon is not what I would consider a “working way” for feral to even get close to the dps of other classes.

I feel like I am logging in to play wow however I want instead of logging in to wow to work on my weekly chore list.

Cap conq, win a rated game, run mecha for essence, m+, m+ to improve io score, push rating, emissaries, heroic warfront if up, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed a lot of that stuff but I wouldn’t be doing it if I didn’t feel like I had to. I know I don’t “have to” but really in my mind I do.

I enjoyed retail but classic is tapping into a different kind of fun. I Mc’ed a 23 warlock off of Thandol Span bridge last night and I think I laughed for 30 minutes because I know he is going to have to swim all the way around the mountain or hearth out that is a 1 hr cooldown.

I know it’s different strokes for different folks but the rpg elements of classic wow is what got me into the game… not the esports of retail.


If you’re on Skeram, you might have faught me sometime on that bridge.

When I was heading there for my Felhunter, there was a swarm of Alliance crossing the bridge, and after jumping off and swimming back up twice, I decided to bite the bullet, soulstone myself, and Switftness Potion and just make a break for it. I was still killed, but close enough to my questgiver.

Sunday, I brought 4 people from my guild for revenge, and oh how we got revenge on that bridge…

I think we’ll make it a weekly visit! I offer help to any warlock who needs to do their quests there, and make sure to suggest a quick romp through the wetlands to punish any Alliance who decided to quest there.

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I might end up twinking around the 30-50 range at some point when I go on vacation again. Anyone know if that level range would even be viable?

He can also drown himself and eat the res sickness which is somehow even funnier than the other two options :sweat_smile:

I agree that having chores that feel mandatory is hurting retail. I’m not grinding rustbolt rep because I want to- I really detest the place tbh.

But classic beyond the myriad other problems is also the opposite extreme in that there will be virtually nothing to do. People are caught up in the leveling right now which is great seeing as the world is actually somewhat perilous… but I predict that people will begin leaving in droves at 60 with so little to keep them interested.

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That would actually be the funniest of the 3 options.

I never realized how strategic dying can be though. I was finished for the night in alterac so I ran into tarren mill to let the guards kill me and take rez sickness in southshore. Saved me a few minutes of travel time.

These forums are getting quiet with many of us regulars on classic so much lol.

Anyone missing retail yet?


Not really actually. I remember saying I was gonna wait a week or two before playing classic and here I am :joy:


I too underestimated it lol. I haven’t even thought of retail.

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