BG forums lounge (Part 1)

If you did decide to go healer, which one would you choose?

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Herc asking the real questions.

Be safe and thank you for your service.

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Probably rdruid or monk.

Just did the brawl. We had 5 no healer, they had 6 with a healer. We were really trouncing them but then game ends due to ā€œnot enough playersā€ :roll_eyes:

Isnā€™t it the 6 man bg one?

Also how does your team not have a healer if you are playing heals now?


Yes it is. And :joy::joy: at me healing. I have a feeling that joke wonā€™t ever fade

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So, this looks like a place to post a needless troll, and I am a troll.

So here we go ā€¦

It seems that the macho side of the ā€œlook at meā€ player base believe that being DPS is the most virile spec; but at the same time this same player cluster believe that doing the ā€œhardestā€ things (see Die Hard or any other movie of that ilk) proves that you (your avatar in some game?) are the badest.

The problem here is that ā€œDPSā€ in general means easy mode, and spec requiring talent means resto (sometimes a case can be made for tank) so being DPS, although it is ā€œtouchy feelyā€ macho, is in fact the tween feel good mode of the game.

So you be you, but as the old Greeks used to say ā€œknow yourselfā€.

To be fair it is harder for me to reach good parses as a dps than it is to heal.

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Aw man, it was a troll post, I wasnā€™t trying to be fair.

(Troll, in the case of internet troll, originated as a reference not to the monster of folklore, but rather as an analogy to the method of fishing, trolling. Because of the obvious homonym and the well-earned disdain for the perpetrators from the general user population (things were different back before the World Wide Web) the ugly monster imagery soon became attached as well).

Yes, Iā€™v been drinking tonight.

I guess Iā€™m lost on the humor as it didnā€™t really seem like a troll. My bad.

Just about to hit 120 on my monk, itā€™s pretty good.

Make one, you will realise how slow your lock is!

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2s lets go.

At work :frowning:

Maybe I will get a discount then for the carry lol

Ehh these days Iā€™m not sure who would carry who.

Iā€™m a little washed ATM.

Still having abit of fun though :slight_smile:

We can probably go for glad at least. Maybe not r1 but glad def.

Iā€™m moving to classic though, so we can prob play a few games.

I rage at the state of the game and take a long break.

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Godspeed, friend.

Is the forum guild still a thing? Iā€™d def put an alt in there. They are apparently doing rp pvp now too (at least for China, lol).

Well, itā€™s kinda funny. He called the new bride ā€œmacho.ā€

They just confirmed one for NA too.