BG forums lounge (Part 1)

YAY! FORUM RE-ROLL TRAIN! :bullettrain_side::bullettrain_side::bullettrain_side:


jk I need to feel trusted, GIF’s are life

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I think I will begin playing this warlock and posting on her now.


Guess I should be posting on this toon.

You think as I do!

Finally. I am correct.


People copying me
 did I start something here? :thinking:

I’ve been talking about making meself a fat fella for months.

This is my pre-race charge tester.

Interesting things though - these fellas swing two handed weapons with one hand. Which makes arms warrior look a little off but fury look amazing.

Casting animations not too bad either (what isn’t though compared to a night elf).

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Some people just have a lot of warlocks

Not enough warlocks in this thread.

Hey I made a lock just last night! Can I sit at the fel kids table? I didn’t use my typical naming convention because I stayed at happy hour too long and creativity just wasn’t happening :frowning:


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Do you have green fire yet? If not, you get to sit with the fire mages and spam greater pyro.

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You’ve ascended

I was goofing off on warrior target dummy last night

I think I might be making a kt warrior now.

The casting animations aren’t bad for druid either - I could probably learn to love the drust moonkin form too.

Swapping Barrington and Freddy?

It’s a tough choice.

I actually really like the KT for warrior (even druid).

But the di dwarves are so awesome, plus mole machine

The one thing is, it really seems like I’m maining alliance now because of di and kt

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I really like KT animations, too. Haymaker can be fun
as a druid I can typhoon you then haymaker the one I missed with typhoon! They never see it coming.

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Yea dude. I was rocking the fury kt last night just to try out the animations and loved them.

The arms one armed swing with twohander is a little weird to me but the animations in general are real nice.

Thinking about it more, I might swing barrington horde to play more with your squad (since warrior is probably my most enjoyed class this xpac, pretty significantly too by time played, plus I can unlock zandalari easily with him now).

Then I’ll level a kt warrior alliance side.

Mag’har are awesome looking too so a mag’har warrior

I may look at how far I am from unlocking kt and see about bring my druid over.