BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The only MMO to kill WoW will be WoW.


Neptune Pog
Good old Darkspear crew with the addition of Darelin the worgen lurker :drooling_face:


Neptune you are back?! You wouldnt know me because i lurked a lot and just /bowed to you everytime i saw you but welcome back!

Haha thanks, Iā€™ve pretty much been here with the exception of last 7 months for deployment. Kinda fell off the forums after the Darkspear exodus.

Good to get the old crew back for some Classic!


Honestly youā€™re not wrong. The only thing to kill WoW is WoW. But it will be its younger and more handsome self.

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Looking back im pretty sure ive seen you post or something and just never made the connection. Last I saw you in game was right before you made your shipping out post.

Classic wonā€™t kill current WoW, itā€™ll kill the expansion. Classic will drop after the content cycle is played out & people get bored. If Blizzard releases another trash shoot expansion next one then itā€™ll be it for them, but if patterns show right the next one will be the big one like WoD to Legion was.

Yesterday Ion said they fā€™d up with class design and are moving away from spec identity and back to class. So frost mages with fire spells, alter time and all that jazz again. If they go big, and take good things from Classic and implement into current game itā€™ll be good.

But they have to do some misc things too like delete half the realm list and start merging servers, and fix faction imbalance.

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I just want my basic forms abilites back on my bars without having to use a talent for them. I dont care if they do almost 0 damage, each form should at least retain some basic abilities.

100% agree. I go to another game (eso, gw2) and it just gets me jonesing for wow again.

I really hope they actually fix it. Everything feels like a shell to me. I canā€™t pick a class (or even spec) to stick with because after a few weeks on one nothing really feels ā€œfullā€.

Exactly. Itā€™s like a broken record, but mop felt good to me. Weā€™re there too many skills? Maybe, but it at least felt skillful to use ones even rarely.

Iā€™m glad hibernate came back for things like that but we need more situationally fun and skillful spells.

Even just more functionality to make realms not so distant for having alts. We can already mail heirlooms and anything account bound across servers, why not mats, etc?

Also, I wish theyā€™d dump these horrible grinds. I hated ap in legion. It burned me out quick. And they doubled down on it for bfaā€¦

That and this rng crap needs to get reduced. Thereā€™s a lot of extremely grindy and obnoxious mechanics that are just not enjoyable.

Iā€™ll stay in a fun game because itā€™s fun; Iā€™ll leave if itā€™s too grindy as a way to make me stay longer (time played mechanics and all that).


Real talk. Would season 3 of the office be able to air today? Would NBC even air it?

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I wish I was.

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I think Netflix owns the rights to them, so probably not.

Also why specifically s3?

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Itā€™s the most anti PC for nowadays. The first episode is Oscar coming out as gay. Itā€™s got several episodes that people could find offensive.


We are all about the big bellies here lol


Itā€™s beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


If classic wasnt almost here I would consider healing bgā€™s with it just for the sheer hilarity

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So I decided to pull a Juga and re-roll my forums alt, I thought it was time for a fresh look anyways and Zandalari looks much better.

Testing testing :upside_down_face:


But the grind to level 3!!

(Feels like Iā€™m never gonna make it there)


The men are too Johnny Bravo looking, imo.

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Good thing I donā€™t really care about ā€œtrust levelā€ :stuck_out_tongue:

Because I donā€™t care, I can just re-roll as I please