BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Heheh these days I just pug whatever key I’m looking to work on. Works out pretty well actually.

I tried doing that last week just to clean up a few easy ones I had a slacking score on, even in groups where the IO was pretty respectable the runs were just a w f u l. Such an easy week too.

End of season announcement which probably puts the patch date July 2nd. That’s disappointing :grimacing:

I was watching this segment on E3 and according to them, 46% of gamers are female and the average age of all gamers is 33.

Girls do play WoW!


Yup, they collect pets and have Boomkins protect them in BG’s!


If I ever quit playing games though, that average will go down to 32 :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep, pretty much.

Number of girl gamers drop to 45%?

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I told you this when you thought you were old and I said majority of gamers are that age.
Hah, old people have such issues remembering things. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I’m younger than the average gamer, yay!

Maybe 45.9999%. I’m only skewing the age one enough to make an impact :older_woman:

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I am the average gamer age!!


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Dirty thirty here boys.

Also phase 1 of me becoming Terminator is complete. Got some rebar in my leg yesterday.


So many ladies in the twinking community too!

I used to roll in an all girl (besides me) team at 110!

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Welcome to the club! I have an erector set bolted to my arm… it sucks

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Not buying it, more like 46% gamers play female characters and the average age of those dudes who play female characters is 33 lol

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Oh wow! Is it in your arm or on the outside

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Inside, I fractured my arm in a freak squatting accident at the gym (can’t make that up lol) and it looked like a snapped tree trunk in the x ray so they had to bolt it all back together

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Dang that’s wild!

Bunch of freaks…

The whole lot of ya!


I am hoping when JD completes his transformation to full cyborg that he spares no expense and opts for the pleasure model package