BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Super nice! Good to see this instead of something like a horde symbol. Lots of details.

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In wow terms it’s very druid.

5ish hours in with bout one to go

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When I was on vacay a couple weeks back there was a lady with a tattoo I guess on her butt with the top of it sticking out the top of her bathing suit and it looked like she pooped on herself.


Done. 7 hours with 2 ten minute breaks.

Going back in 4 weeks for upper arm. Like a psychopath.


Omg I remember that.

If anyone hasn’t played Classic, that’s exactly how Vanilla was back then.

dont pull guys
omg u noob
rez pls

Silverpine then, very good.

Looks nice!

ThNks. The final pics are posted above too.

This is as close as I get to “social media” like posting.

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Ooooh, what was it?

Horde territory like Silverpine is a good substitute!

I kid, looks great.

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These timewalking queues be killin’ me.


Is timewalking reward 385 or 400? I can’t remember

Haven’t done timewalking in a while the 385 reward is just too low for me to be bothered doing them, if it’s 400 I might take a stab at it

I’m only doing it on my fresh 120 DH. Not sure what the ilvl is, probably 385 though.

Edit: Got a titanforged 405 trinket, woo. ( replaced a 287 lolol )

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Mine dropped a 385 item, totally not worth it IMO.

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At an Adam Sandler live show right now waiting for it to start. Should be pretty funny, hopefully he won’t force us to watch his recent movies though

Yeah, this is correct. I got pants that were not an upgrade. Still fun for something different to do.

Queue up sissies.

I want you either on my team or against me. Either way, I’m winning.

I’m not finished with you either Darelict… I mean Darelin, I hope you know how to play Guardian because YOU AIN’T PLAYING BOOMKINNNNN

I will admit this, those two games I faced you and that wimpy Shadow Priest Jaded, was not fun for me… even though the Horde won those games. Mostly that EotS because TWICE I get shot off the cliff and my glider WHICH WAS OFF OF CD, WOULD NOT OPEN… after that bulldung happened to me I just said “screw it” and started going kamakazi. I couldn’t get any offense both those games.

I swear though I’ve never been this focused by 5+ Alliance players than BFA…

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Guess the bear mauling and dropping stars on your head weren’t enough? Already back for some seconds?

Quick edit, it may have felt like 5+ alliance focusing you but it was really only me and jadei when you’d tunnel :face_with_monocle:

We were hungry. :hamburger:

That DWG wasn’t even a challenge for your group. 12 players stacking a cart while we lost nodes and our cart died was not going to end well. EotS was a much better and closer match.

About to queue up again. I’ll be looking for you!

1v2’s is just a warmup.


Doesn’t feel good does it rofl?! AND THAT IS WHY everyone with a stupid way to knock someone off the mid in EotS needs to be a big boy or girl and say “Well I had my fun… but it takes no real effort to do it because the environment does it for me.” EotS would be 10x better if it was the RBG version. The middle is UNBEARABLE if you’re melee.

And if anyone even f@@kin tries to tell me that “DUHHH ITS ALL DA BOUT SITCHUASHONAL AWUURRRRRNESSS” can eat my dust, because you’re lying to yourself if you think one CC medallion every 2 minutes is going to stop MC’s, Thunderstorms, Typhoons, Earthquakes, Sonic Booms, Trust Falls, Explosive Crap, etc…etc… when you’re medallion is on CD. The DR isn’t going to protect you for that long!

We had more 1v1s than you noticed in the eots :stuck_out_tongue: But yes my dude I would literally get launched every time I even thought about mid. Two shamans and those priests made mid a living hell lol. Fun games though, well for us at least :smiling_imp: