BG Fix for Solo Que vs Premade

Solo Que is critical in a seasonal game mode as it allows you to play when you want to and not rely on others. Premades are critical to a MMO game as it promotes playing with others in an organizational way. The issue of course aligns with the issues of Premades vs PUGs. The answer is very simple and would solve all the issues of the game experiences as it is clear the Premades vs PUGS is actually a form of interference of progression by a group of people, i.e Premades reduce the PvP experience and honor grind of solo players through advantages of organization vs random players. In addition, Solo Players tend to be less geared than Premades as Premades can pick and choose who joins them.

The answer to solve the issues of Solo vs Premade is to greatly increase the honor gained and marks received by Solo Que players to allow these players to gain honor at the same rate of Premades. This way you have options:

  1. Group up with others to incorporate PvP with organizational grouping
  2. Solo Que to farm by your self within your selected time

The end result of this change is Premades usually will still destroy the PUG group, but the PUG group no longer are being punished for solo que as they still get honor grind. This is a seasonal game mode, so titles and gear has no real value other than having fun. So Blizzard should focus on making the PvP of SoD still fun and rewarding to play.


They already catered to solo players. They clearly did not like the outcome hence reallowing premades. It’s beating a dead horse at this point to keep making these posts

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I still don’t understand why players like steam rolls vs que times. 3:2 matches offers a lot of honour kills that a team misses out waiting for ques. This is why I spirit and not feed them when they go straight for spawn lock down. Why feed them. Collect your one mark and move on.

Dont worry buddy, in one week its not going to matter

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??? hmmmm…? can you elucidate?

5 tokens for a loss to a premade…

I think the game play experience of PUG vs PUG is enjoyable and experience Premade vs Premade is enjoyable. So nothing really changes here.

However, the opposite events aka PUG vs Premade are not enjoyable and hinder the point of a seasonal experience. Your Title wont matter, the Gear wont matter, nothing matters besides the experience.

So if you are going to allow for Premade stomping and not present a reward for the PUG, then PUGs will eventually stop. The same effect of removing Premades will result and Premade groups typically do not want to face other Premades unless they have full gear and it becomes a battle match up. Most of the time (90% or more) Premades want to get honor fast and they are abusing PUGs to get honor fast.

So my conclusion, 3 marks for a loss for a PUG vs Premade and maybe 6 marks for a PUG if they beat a Premade.

Umm we seen what happens when they gave 2 marks for losing. Anyone remember ally flaming people capping flags, you know actually trying to play? I do and I dont want to go back.
Your only concerned about the gear and rewards. Some of us like to play just to play.
And while im all for pug vs pug, i dont agree we should incentivize losing again.

I hope all BGs die luke sod has period. Why would I ever step foot back in against steamroll premades or horde favored racials and classes aka shamans? Stupid dev bias ruined sod pvp. I wont even go to blood moon anymore on my horde because 5 shaman groups face roll everyone. What a joke of balances

They can’t do that, Ally can’t function outside of premade. They are so good at organization too. Horde premade discords never last, ally ones are prosperous.

I find it kind of strange that they were upset the alliance threw all those games a few weeks back when Premade vs pug games play out the exact same way? Oh right, they don’t actually play the game! It all makes so much more sense when you remember that.

Premades are pugs that happened 5 minutes earlier. They put their pants on one leg at a time too.

I think this is actually part of the problem at Blizzard. Remember the D4 devs and how they couldn’t even play their game. Blizzard hired Devs that make content, but do not play their content. That is why SoD has flopped so hard since P2. It was easy to play P1 as the leveling was easy and you could make every class, hit level 25 in 1-2 days and see what was working on live. The issue now is some Devs play OP classes and stick to it.

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Those are some pants. Stacking paladins, druids, and hunters must be fun!