BG Blitz should be CTF Blitz. Side note CTF is the best gamemode in WoW and should have its own Esport

Capture the Flag maps are the best two maps for the mode (and in the game) and honestly the only maps I consistently have fun on.

They have a clear objective and even when one team has a better tank (even to the point of my team losing) I still manage to find some fun.

That said I would change bg blitz so that both sides have the same tank spec or no tank spec at all. Some tanks are awful compared to others.

In terms of CTF E sport it’s pretty much obvious. Clear objective like many of the most successful e sports with no base sitting. Team death match (arena) doesn’t have enough clear objectives to make for quality watching experience (in my opinion). That said AWC does do a good job considering the limitations.


I agree that tank imbalance is atrocious, but I like all the Blitz maps.

Why CTF blitz and not regular CTF?

I just like that its solo rated and all that. 8v8 is more funner

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I don’t know, I find CTF maps the most frustrating, because nobody knows what to do. At least other modes pander to zerg solo brain more. It can be fun in organized RBGs though, or when you play with a friend or two.

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Just hope to have a DH on your team. They can flip, flop and fly their way from one end to the other completely untouched.


I’ve always liked CTF maps. They’re fun from a casual viewpoint assuming even teams. Not sure I’d want to watch sweaties playing it though.


My only gripe is the capture time being 4 seconds with classes that have longer CCs

Yeah i reckon that should be fixed but i cant complain much as a Druid in Vanilla with a Pallys Freedom buff we were untouchable as well lol.

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id love to watch a BG tourney with all the top players. in my personal opin that would be more fun to watch than 3v3 arenas


Only a single map for 15 years please. Let’s do everything we can to be like League, which is of course the greatest e-sport of all time

I have thought for a LOOONG time that they are dropping the ball on not doing CTF as an esport,

It’s a simple game everyone can understand, and feel the drama of the contest.

A lot more accessible to a much wider audience of spectators.

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