BG Blitz is in trouble

You ever notice how every time you queue into Battleground Blitz, it feels less like a game and more like walking into an underground casino run by some shady mob boss? “Oh, you wanna play fair, solo, and enjoy yourself? HA! Sit down, junior, the big boys are playing!”

These queue-syncing mafias have turned BG Blitz into their personal fiefdom. Premades everywhere. Oh, but they’re downsizing! Now instead of 40-man Gold printing mobsters cornering the bloodstone market, it’s just 8 organized psychopaths running coordinated ops on Discord. How thoughtful. Yeah, it’s so much better when 4 scripting DPS players are doing Boomkin DPS while cross ccing both healers longer than it will take for life to form on Saturn.

And the queue dodging? Don’t get me started. They’ve turned re-queueing into a sport. “Send in a scout to check if it’s a premade. No? Back out. Still no? Back out. Oh wait, the premade’s on the other side now? Okay, drop queue again.” The dedication here is impressive—if only they applied this level of effort to something useful, like figuring out why Blizzard’s still giving Vicious Saddle rewards at the same rate as molasses dripping uphill in winter what can we even do with those anymore anyway??

But let’s not forget the matchmaking, the pièce de résistance of this fiasco. You hit 1700 rating with a high winrate, and suddenly, you’re the designated punching bag int a 3500 mmr giga ultra mega main lobby with 15 sweaty neckbearded monitor tanning dorito dusted keyboard gamers. It’s like the game’s rigged against you. “Hey, let’s put this guy on the losing team for 7 games straight and see how long it takes him to uninstall.”

Meanwhile, healers? They’re treated like the janitors of the BG. “Why didn’t you heal me, bro?” Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I’m being CC’d into oblivion by 5 rogues while you’re off soloing a base like it’s 2008.

And the solutions people propose? They’re gold. “Just run a 5-man group and wreck the place.” Sure, why not? Let’s turn Blitz into a shark tank where everyone’s forming gangs, and solo players are chum. Or better yet, War Games for premades! Yeah, let’s isolate the lunatics so they can battle each other in a private asylum.

But let’s be honest, Blizzard won’t do jack about it. The syncers and dodgers run the show, and Blizzard’s too busy counting their cash from the bruto. Unless some big streamer raises hell, nothing’s gonna change. Oh, but don’t criticize too loudly, or you’ll end up in low priority que for bg blitz. Because, you know, these premade mafias have their own lists. Step out of line, and you’re excommunicated. It’s like middle school drama, but with more spreadsheets.

So here we are. Battleground Blitz: where healers are scapegoats, premades queue sync cabal agents are royalty, and solo players are cannon fodder. Welcome to the circus. Just don’t forget your clown shoes—you’re gonna need 'em.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to queue solo and pretend this game is still fun. GG, Blizzard.


lol. lmao even.

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What bro?

I get called a win trader on all my healers when you get the odd loss.

You guys are crazy and think everyone is out there winning trading. Yeah, it happens, but you think it affects you that much, wild.


2x :heart: for the good English, that was a good read. And i understood all the references.

thats good writing there

Joe Pesci comes straight to mind

love this

And well paragraphed. Well done.


Omg. I feel exactly like this. Since we are being honest I feel like Blizzard puts me in losing games and bad MMR hells because I am a Trump voter and somewhat of a troll in Trade and LFG. People say “That’s some crazy conspiracy stuff.” Don’t underestimate what libs will do as ‘revenge’.


My rogues first 20games were brutal, I think I lost 10 in a row at some point. I try to lead and do important objectives… but still got to 1500. Now Phase 2 will be interesting, I was getting better games towards the end. I almost made it out of the placement games.

I’d say Blitz is essentially just a random BG with a rating, it’s not really an RBG, so it’s best to treat it like one. You will lose games when you pump, but you can also win even if you make mistakes, because sometimes your teammates carry the game. I’ve seen so many people complain about losing in Blitz due to incompetent teammates, but did we get carried? Yes, we did. I think most of us have been carried in some Blitz games.

People need to stop blaming healers and shifting the blame onto them for every loss. It’s just not ok. Actually, when someone unfairly blames healers for the loss, it’s clear they don’t understand the root cause of the loss, and their rating is likely low.

If you’re placed in a 3000 MMR lounge while your CR is 1700, I’d assume your MMR is much higher than 1700. In that case, you won’t lose any CR from a loss and you get a lot of CR for a win. So why complain? It’s essentially a free ride for you.

I know about sync queues because I play a lot of epic random bgs. However, in Blitz, sync q isn’t very common. I’ve seen some coordinated teams, but that level of coordination can be achieved by sharing a Discord in bg chat.

Try it, share a discord link, teammates actually use it. But I haven’t seen any of my teams using Discord lately. In maps like TOK, where coordination is key and RBG tactics are far superior to playing it like a random BG w/o voice communication, 3000 MMR players still just jump in and play without bothering to share a Discord.

For many players, pushing Blitz rating is more about playing more games, and that approach actually works well. It’s a waste of time to get multiple players on par with you to do sync q. Sync q cheating might make more sense if the rating is very high such as in R1 range. But again, I don’t think most of us would notice a difference, in our bracket, that’s rarely seen.

I did occasionally notice some players intentionally throw games. They might have used sync q to sell rating, but from my personal experience, it doesn’t happen very often. Report if you spot one.

Actually sync q is not a good idea for rating selling. It’s not efficient because it requires multiple players. They could just use a 2500 CR healer to carry a customer to 2000 or simply remotely control your toon to play using apps like TeamViewer.

However, sometimes you can actually benefit from their cheating behavior. In an EotS match, we were getting destroyed by the three warlocks on the enemy team, but their priest didn’t heal their flag carrier at all. That was clearly intentional throwing, and we ended up winning because of it.

Since I made thos post i’ve gone 2-15 in bg blitz and every single lobby is the most one sided game not even the best player in all of wow could 1v8 these games, its true they put you in the low priority que if you expose whats happening. GGS!


True and real

Evil indie company holding you down for speaking up


Ah this doesn’t make a lot of sense. You can’t send someone in to check it out, because you get a stacking ACCOUNT WIDE deserter debuff on top of losing 200 CR for leaving. That can lead to account action for leaving to much.

They are frustrated they can’t climb and need a boogy man to blame.

I am going to be honest, they need to really do something with the how the rated system works. Constantly showing people their MMR and CR seems to bring the worst out of people, because you are just constantly reminded that you are dropping or climbing. I was having a convo the other day with someone and they were telling me how they think rated PvP may actually hurt WoW PvP in general just because of how obsessed the pvp player base seems to be with numbers. It drives them to basically make stuff up as an excuse for why they aren’t climbing. Far beyond just bad team, bad comp etc.


Queue sync has and probably still happens, but it happens mostly at the top honestly because it’s far easier to do there will a much smaller player pool.


It’s spilled down into the lower ranges pretty badly now. Started trying to make the climb on yet another alt not that long ago, and I cannot even begin to describe to you the number of premades I was encountering. And not like, “oh, other team’s good, might be a premade or something.” We’re talking “I’ve seen these same people in four other games, and they’re always together.”

I don’t know how true this is, but word on the grapevine is some people made alts specifically to do this in the lower brackets. They manipulate their MMR and rating to stay right where they can cause the most disruption. Luckily, this will cease (for a while) once the new season starts.

doesn’t even mention the flavor of dorrito. probably written by AI.

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I love both that this was written by someone with multiple characters above 3k CR in Blitz and that nobody noticed.

Well played sir!

There may be jerks on alts in lower brackets, queue sync is still absurdly hard though. To many people are just looking for reasons on why they aren’t climbing I think.

I could hear Snagglepuss saying that in my head.

The sad part is I cant tell if this is serious or not these days.

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I feel like i have been in the losers queue in rbgs. I heal, well i tried to heal these with all the cc’s from the hunter pets, dk minion , lock fear after fear. I cant mount and dps just run past you then ask why didnt you heal me? where were you? its your fault we lost this.

Do reasonably well and you will get mass reported from the premades who sync queues because you are a threat to their rating.

I had 3 people on my ignore list before this expac, i now have alot more because it takes time to report everyone who sends you nasty whispers and honestly its just part of playing this game now.

goodbye to world of warcraft, the fun has been taken out of the game with people reporting for what they started.

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queue sync is not hard at all, i queue synced with someone once to see if we could get in the same rbg, we got in the same one but on opposite sides and they threw that game for me to get a win. ’
I queue synced once to see if it were possible and bingo.

left a sour taste in my mouth it was so easy.

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