Pretty sure this is how you get a perma ban lol
He’s linking the explanation from one of the boost sites. There is no “sync queueing” going on. It’s just someone who solo queues or duo queues and plays your character.
It’s noticeable as a healer, almost right away sometimes.
We watch player health-bars… and when I’m locked down in chain CC that doesn’t overlap, while the majority of enemy DPS are all burning down the same target (or myself)… it’s pretty much a give-away.
Though so far I’ve only come across this full-team premade once in Blitz this season. Perhaps it’s more common during US peak times (as I’m online very late)
Also that’s assuming all those sites are “legit” offering services, and won’t instead just steal your account as soon as you give them your account info (or download something sneaky onto your PC without you even knowing).
win trading is def more possible than premades because the team does not matter. you can throw on any team. actual premades almost never happen just by the math of it.
the win trading is coming about because they are trying to premade and getting into different teams so they are trying to balance out score differences when it happens to keep themselves in the same rating.
If the four end up split up in the match they decide which side will lose and those on that side with intentionally throw like getting the flag but not trying to run it to base and wait for the other teams FC and drop the flag.
You can have both fast queues and good games. Your mind and mine cannot conceive how, but a billion dollar industry titan can figure it out. They simply don’t feel the need to.
They’re shady as hell I am sure, but the point is they are doing this by piloting, not queue syncing (or even duo queueing)
You forgot…
Doesn’t change the fact you can be perma banned for it lol.
They would have to evidence of you doing it first.
Just another reason for what was meant to be a SOLO mode should not have Duo queue. Duo queue is literally ruining blitz
(I just realized people already pointed this out above me when I finished writing it out. Oh well, I’ll say it again.)
I feel like this thread is one side making outrageous claims and one side being entirely oblivious. You’re not being “queue synced” in your low rated games. Odds are you’re just bad and being demolished by a duo healer. A lot of games get crushed by one good healer doubling the enemy teams healing. This essentially makes it 9v8 while they’re queued with a pumper.
Now, with that said, you could be the victim of an elaborate match fixing scheme. (This is most likely NOT the case, but it definitely happens a lot.) Knowing you’re in the same game is easy. But ironically, that’s the part that matters. They don’t care who ends up on what team – only where they fall on the MMR totem pole. Their only goal is to siphon as much MMR as possible from the other players.
One side is cringe for acting like it’s the worlds most exploited system. The other side is cringe for being oblivious and acting like it’s impenetrable.
the win trading and intentional throwing got pretty bad before I gave up for the night on my warrior.
For several games in a row I had healers refusing to heal and sabotaging attempts to win.
Then there were the people working with players on the other team doing win trades.
I think a large part of the win trading is groups attempting to make premades but getting on opposite sides.
Duo queue existed while it was a brawl. It’s literally already been in the game for over a year and there were zero complaints about it.
This isn’t a reason why it should stay and when it went from unrated to rated things changed. Mainly the way people are approaching it. I think Blizzard were worried that it would have the same low healer issues as SS so they added Duo queue as an incentive for healers to queue. The problem is that the incentive wasn’t required as Blitz does not have the same issues as SS. In SS it’s 2 healers pitting their MMR/CR against each other. However in BGB its the personal and team MMR/CR that goes into rating increase/decrease. The problem of healers gaining rating 3-4x slower than dps that exists in SS does not apply to BGB, therefore the incentive is already there for healers to play BGB. They do not need an additional unfair advantage.
wait a minute
Lots of people “complained” about it.
If duo queue was removed the mode would immediately feel better.
Queue syncers exist but are probably almost an irrelevant issue. My conspiracy is people throwing for others.
The amount of time I’ve had Billy the mage call to sit X base only for X base to be gotten in the first ten seconds of the game etc. Now surely a good amount of these are just not paying any attention to the game. But also throwing a game has never been so easy to do. Like really; if someone wanted to throw every game by going to a base to 1v5 uselessly what can you actually do? Blizz isn’t gonna ban as long as they are playing.