BG Blitz is full of premades

Throwing in my 2c on this one. I’m an old Rogue who used to fly ProudFather Airways back in the day. Been in more than enough premades to know what I’m looking at, and it’s happening in RBG Blitz again.

Wanted to pick up PvP again, so got my rogue full PvP gear, ran my weeklies, then RBG Blitz from 0 MMR. First bracket was as expected, about 50/50, no major losses or wins, just steady progress.

Then I hit 955MMR. Queue is rapidly declined 5 or 6 times in a row every match, and its all shutouts. So far I’ve lost 10 in a row to teams obviously using voice comms. Specifically, on any match with a flag, you see the field shift instantly when FC comes out of the base.

Before the usual forum people come out and squeal about how its not possible, I would direct you to the websites which sell rating carries in RBG Blitz. You can get base rank PvP rating plus 500k gold for $55.

Would someone at blizz please actually fix this? The services will go away when you can’t game it, and I really just want to play.


I was one of the leads at Cut Throat Gaming that swallowed ProudFather Airways going into MoP. I’ve recognized some of the groups involved as some we had rivalries with including at least one of the accounts that is involved in the denying on the forum.

It was a tactic they did back then when they were using exploits to get an edge, they would check the forum between BGs and using an alt account to troll the posts into making people not believe there is an exploit.


That’s an interesting tactic, and makes sense. Frankly, I feel its high time Blizzard makes selling services against ToS, enforces it, and puts an end to this. I don’t know if ill ever be able to earn Gladiator, but I’d for sure like a chance to do so on my merits as a player, not my credit card.

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they really need to start banning accounts for an hour or so from q’ing for this every other game that has rated play locks people out. It should not be ok to just switch toons and jump back in.

Shocker, same thing happens with Soloq 3’s all the time.

I’ll bet that some of the accounts denying here are the same accounts denying it was a thing in DF in the arena forum.


you have a higher chance of being on the enemy team if you even get into the same game.

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Well, if the problem is people queue syncing for premades by declining the button til they all get in, why not remove the button?

Replace it with a button that asks if you’re still there every 2 minutes while in queue, and if you don’t click it, it drops you. That would prevent AFK players from getting in, and when it pops, you are put in the match.

I will also be curious to see the reaction to this idea. The more hate from the premade folks, the better the idea probably is.


Thanks for outing yourself bro. Always the people that are the problem responding like this.

BTW we’ve been able to pre made rando bg’s for nearly 15 years now. So naturally this was going to show up in Soloq/Blitz.

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random bg’s have factions and no mmr.


The actual solution is to remove the option to join and just go to q pop and you are forced into the BG/Lobby.


Factions haven’t mattered in 2 years or more. Nice bait.


you’re trolling. factions are the reason premades exist.


Which is even better for the purposes of throwing a match. You are shilling so hard you glow.

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that’s not a premade though. this thread is about premades, not wintrading.

no that would be people who want co ordination. 0/10 troll.


if you want coordination you premade…lol, which means you want factions to guarantee you will be on the same team. you can’t do that with no factions.

The point, you walnut, is that its possible to make a premade in a game mode which is 8v8 random. That is the flaw we actually want fixed.

you want to remove the button because of the literal lottery chance of facing a premade? i have used that button already when something came up last second. you’re coming up with a bigger flaw than the original. you would end up having afk players taking a poop more often than you ever would have had to play any premade. we have to think critically.

I won’t argue with a glowing shill.

As long as companies are able to sell rating carries, there is a matchmaking flaw which is being gamed.

That needs to be fixed. End of story. The fact we have so much anecdotal evidence is supportive of the fact its not merely an offered service, but rather one which is being used actively.









Stop spreading nonsense.