BG Blitz is depressing

I reached 2344 rating and trying to push for 2400, after 2 loses the game started to put me into low mmv lobbies which I am the highest rated player in the team, if we lose I would lose tons of ratings and if we win I don’t gain much, single digit rating gain vs double digit rating loss. At this point it is impossible to fight against this system that is designed to make you lose.


Honestly glad I was able to avoid this, I never actually lost any rating getting to 2400 but I did go on a 4-5 game losing streak at 2391

On the bright side I got my 2400 in a game against someone who I had on my team for 3 games in that losing streak who blamed me for everything, as soon as he swapped to the other team I win :joy:

Anyway, keep at it. Losing streaks happen, but so do winning streaks. You’ll get there


i have seen other comments that perfectly describe my situation, I can be top dps every single game for example, still not able to win because a single player can’t move the needle, I spent half of my Sunday queing for BGB and suffered a net loss of about 50 pts

Que times ruin it. My mage is 1650cr and im in 3.1kmmr lobbies which take 30+ mins to get a que(if it even pops on non peak hours). If i win at 3.1kmmr i get +24 a win lol. It will take weeks of queing and win streaks to reach 3kcr at this pace. It should be +240 with that rating differential.

I have 6 other classes above 2k and one almost to 3kcr and the que times make it not fun.


Brother im on my 6th bgb with no wins while topping the damage meter. Its broken

Why should the damage meter mean anything in regards to winning? Its an objective based game mode. Many games ive had under 15m damage and carried the game. Especially on my rogue


that is why i added “for example” at the end of my statement, it could also be killing blow, capping bases, return flags etc etc but I hope you got the pt here

I don’t really care for supatease as a streamer but he did have an accurate bit on blitz. It was a pie chart

30% of the pie chart was games that you are just going to lose, no matter how well you play. your team is just outmatched

30% of the games you’re going to win, you could put in minimal effort and you’re just going to roll the other team

40% of the games are so close that your own personal efforts are what will actually tip the scales. Too many errors? You lose. Play really well? You win

I might have the numbers wrong but I agreed. Some games no matter how well I play I feel like there’s nothing I can do to help win. While in others I swear I can just AFK the whole game and we easily win


I do like Supatease, in fact I am watching his new video about pvp right now. As far as numbers, it feels like as soon as your MMV is lower or around your rating, it is very time consuming to change the result.

Sounds right, they just means you’re playing where you should be

but we both know, at the beginning of the season, we gain ratings super fast, tons of players got their grand marshal quick with MMV above rating meaning when you lose you dont lose any pts and when you win you gain a ton. I should’ve grinded sooner. Also the issue here is it is impossible to win with the matched team they assigned me, 75% of the team are sub 2000 rating or even sub 1600, and I am 2300ish, zero chance of gaining anything.

The amount gained/lost will be based off the other team’s MMR, not their current rating. You can just ignore the other team’s CR. At this point of the season everyone has alts they’re playing, the best blitz player in the game might be in your game on an alt with 1600 CR

Based on my exp, a 1600-1900 mw monk is hugely different than a 2400 rating mw monk in war song map, huge

The same thing was said about me, I started playing my MW late. When I was playing in 3k games it was non-stop “Oh great this MW is 1700 GG go next”

And yet…I was playing at 3k. And yet I still held my own at 3k, I’m not a completely changed player from 50 games ago

I just got out of another game, I was the top rated player in the entire lobby AGAIN, high risk low reward

Won 2 games and the 3rd game everyone just fights around the crystal and none stand in carts, how am I supposed to win it? This is gambling instead of actual skills or understanding of the maps.

Im saying in 6 matches not one win. Seems fishy. Im horroble but ill win 2 out of 6 arena at my mmr

Details-pilled players cannot climb in BGB. Chase the top of the scoreboard all you want but it won’t make you climb. They are 2 separate metrics. Learn to play objectives and enjoy your free 2.4k.

this game is just driving me away, spending hours going up and down up and down, 2 wins and then the game will throw in curve balls such as rogue and hunter we got all of a sudden cant sit a base, we won ww and losing LH, go back to LH and losing WW, it is impossible for one person to control the situation and it is impossible to win games when ppl cant even sit bases. OR the game will throw me into a game that the other team has meta healers mw monk plus disc priest and our team get rdruid plus HOLY priest, ppl all of a sudden don’t know how to play and just throwing the game, my rating goes down again. over and over and over

That has nothing to do with you being 1500 in BGB and 1k in solo shuffle

Dunno if you were playing on Mon, but I have some hugely bad luck on Mondays

I went 1:4 yesterday