[BFA WQ Unlock] Uniting Zandalar - Not Available until 60 for alts?

Uniting Zandalar quest, which gives alts access to BFA World Quests is no longer available at 50 for alts? I spent forever looking for it until I gave up and tried to hit 60 first.

Is this intentional? Each expansion we’re just going to increase the level required to complete something? In 5 years will I need to be level 70?

Ideally once the bar is hurdled I shouldn’t have to keep hurdling it.

after hitting 60 did it finally show up?

im stuck on this as well, been literally looking for hours. did extra quests to be sure, just not showing up at all. lvl 50, reps done, and quests up to there complete, heart of azeroth equiped. not showing up.

confirmed, weird lvl 60 requirement was only thing wrong

It just one of many many tech glitches since DF - not about 60.
Other sample - any level 3 essence You learned since DF Can’t be learned by other characters even if You are 60 or 70… - it just tech glitch - and Blizzard doesn’t care about it.