BfA won Gamers` Choice Awards 🏆

I know right!

I have some magic beans to sell to anyone who believes the results. Cataclysm warlords and battle were big failures.

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You speak the truth i haven’t heard one person cry about BFA on atleast my server.

Nice try but ALL of the games on that listing can be voted the same way lol!

LOL i know right!

Or WoW is still the just biggest MMO out there by a large margin, BfA or not. WoW winning isn’t really a surprise or vote of confidence.

Doesn’t change the fact that I voted for FFXIV, it is a better game in current state. Blind fanboyism will always win out in the end.


I wonder how much that cost them? :thinking:


Funny how so many fools think chit they see on tv is real.

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they only ask for a email to verify. My guess is with more e mails. Or the fact that it allows you to vote multiple times as some siaid. I went there and look and shrug shoulder and left. I did not no the games or people. So no sense in me voting.

Still when you cant recognize but two other mmo they listed and only because you heard about them here. tells me I need to find myself a new hobby.

Woohoo! Congrats Blizzard!

Can’t wait to read all the haters posts saying things like:

“It was rigged. Activision rigged it.”

“The awards mean nothing (unless it lost then I would post about it to re-affirm myself and others the game is dead and bad).”

“Who cares? Activision Blizzard stock is down.”

“Only a few people voted.”

“An actual committee decides the winners and the people voting is just for show. BfA was forced to win.”

I guess a lot of people still quite enjoy the game. I don’t see FFXIV or all the other mmos that people say are killing WoW winning an award.

Thats exactly what i was going to write. You really can NOT put faith in a contest that lets you vote per hour. Even the singing contests have one vote per method, and you get one 24 hours to vote .

So yeah, not buying it. Guess the FFXIV folks stayed home because they know they have the better game, and didnt have to prove it.


According to people in GD, FFXIV, ESO and GW2 are way better than WoW. So yes, there are mmos still out there.

It glides by on it’s name sake.

It has worse game play by a mile. The combat is slow and boring and the end game raids are jokes compared to WoW.(Of which WoW dominates the rest of the market.)

It’s not close. Even with all of BFAs flaws.

If it wasn’t for Nintendo’s hype train stopping by, barely anyone in the west would care about the Gamer’s Choice Awards.

Why do you think a Japanese development studio with a large Japanese fanbase who is actually putting out good content instead of panhandling for votes like the blues were here would give a damn?


Kind of like your blind fanboyism for FFXIV

I’d say that sentiment sums up the Gamer’s Choice Awards in general.

I play and sub to ESO as well as WoW and it’s not on the same level. ESO has quality questing and ‘fun’ character customization via the class/weapon/armor system.

However that customization means solo content has to be tuned for the absolute lowest common denominator. Nothing is challenging or engaging. Group content is repetitive and often broken because of swap macros. While PvP is practically a joke due to broken builds and 1 shotting bar swap macros. FF14 is niche and has it’s niche players. Just like SWtOR does.

Except the person you are trying to throw shade on has at least one max level character and thus their preference is anything but “blind”. Having experienced both games before making a decision would be the polar bloody opposite.


Yeah it was this here