I honestly don’t mind raiding. Raiding should be the best way to get BIS and top gear. The issue is that aside from Raiding, shadowlands barely offers anything else for players aside from Mythic plus and pvp. Covenant activities are a joke that are tied to more anima. Which involves spending around 45 minutes alone just flying from zone to zone just get anima to upgrade your sanctum. Then you gotta regrind more anima to unlock a sanctum upgrade or cosmetic set. Its ridiculous, why do i need to spend almost 40k anima to max out the Ember Court, to then grind more anima to get the cosmetic set.
Raid so far is great, dungeons are great but outside from that content and pvp. The rest is an endless grind of world quests and flight paths for weeks.
Its the most grindy wow has ever been. Not in the leveling perhaps, but endgame is nothing BUT grind.
Can you give some specifics?
I dont even feel the grind in Shadowlands… where in BFA azerite was a complete and utter choreeee
It did , just in your weekly, and if you were lucky M0’s might give you a corrupted item you could cling to for a while.
Raids yeah definitely.
I never used visions for gear, i did raids and pvp mostly.
475ilvl before SL.
yeah the drop rates were terrible, but honestly you could always buy the gear from a vendor, and not have the issue, but you had to grind to get the ilvl you wanted.
But in context, i’d be more optimistic to grind for ilvl gear i wanted to buy and not deal with premades, or weekly lock out.
It just dragged on forever, where getting to 200ilvl is kinda of a b*ch to do.
i don’t care for SL dungeons or raid so far. maybe i’ll like the new raid, idk.
The pvp isn’t bad, arenas are kinda rough. Too many boosters running around.
Bfa being better than shadowlands isn’t saying much. Besides shadowlands bfa was the worst expansion ever
I have Stygia. I’ve never once spent the currency. Not grinding or rep or more of said currency in a zone I despise for upgrades to another minigame that I also dislike lol
I also agree that conduits are pretty bad. The game gives me all the ones I don’t use first lol
Anima. Requiring huge amounts to do anything or buy anything. Dungeoning for gear. World quests which give little to no upgrades other than a tiny fraction of anima required.
But you know this.
I can agree with this to an extent.
But in BFA is pretty much was that way, and people were PO over it.
My problem with raids is they’re not always fun. I like most of Nya, didn’t care for N’zoth himself though with the up and down bs via floors.
What do you need anima for? Being serious, here.
If you don’t want the covenant sanctum upgrades, don’t build them. You’ll be just fine without them, they’re extremely minor.
I don’t pay any attention to anima. It just piles up and I don’t do much with it. Bought some pets from the Stitchmasters quartermaster. Gave most of them away to friends.
Hahaha no it wasn’t
See I don’t care for conduits or cov powers at all, on my lock i have 36 key binds i don’t need that shiz on my bar. lol. It’s like your special kids club card you get for becoming a member.
Plus i think the armor tmog looks kinda meh for most classes, except plate, but in those situations it’s not the BIS cov anyway so enjoy your night fae class cov. (Mages,Locks,Druids,etc.)
If you get all the conduits unlocked by some miracle and have the stygia you can upgrade them all at the same time via valeri or whatever, i just can’t be bothered to level up renown and story line to do that bs.
As a world content player that doesn’t like pvp/mythic+/raiding I found BfA to be way more fun than anything in SL so far.
I have all the conduits at 226. Finished a few months ago.
But my spec’s conduits are so laughably bad that I barely notice a difference if they’re even active.
Yeah, it’s mostly for convenience of travel and upgrading your warboard bs for free gold and mats… nothing serious.
I mean sure you can ignore it, but interest is a powerful force, and turning away time saving elements is going to make a grind longer, but that is the game by design, you lose and lose lol
The only thing respectable in my dmg as a lock is my chaos bolts. Lol, conduits are just as useless tbh.
I liked WQ I just don’t like SL WQ.
Same. SL has the worst WQ they’ve ever implemented. Not only are they longer with more travel time, they are far less rewarding as well.
Yep. There were some I had to look up because I was completely lost.
By attempting to make it ‘interesting’ they made it longer and less interesting, like I got 20 of these to do, and you want me to spend a day doing them? I’m on a clock here with each one expiring in 30minutes, there is no flying, lol that ain’t a good time.