BFA Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

Quest completion dialogue for "An Exceptional Platinum Shard", second paragraph, first sentence: "it's strata" should be "its strata" (no apostrophe).
Daniel Brineweaver, the tailoring trainer in Tradewinds Market, says to the player, "Well hello there! Don't you look just... aweful."

That last word should be "awful". Also, I would have put a comma after the word "well", but that's just me.
Pet trainer Fizzie says "That was my leave favorite" instead of "least favorite" also for some reason her name doesn't appear before her dialogue lines.
Quest description for "A Need For Coal" incorrectly spells "monelite" as "monalite" in the sentence "I was just getting ready to smelt some monalite down into ingots, but I noticed my coal supply was running low."
"Direhorn Hatchling regards you mischeiviously."
Item: Forbidden Sea Shanty of the Black Sphere

There's a question mark in the middle of the flavor text with no earthly reason for being there.
08/18/2018 10:49 PMPosted by Regendrasil
Item: Forbidden Sea Shanty of the Black Sphere

There's a question mark in the middle of the flavor text with no earthly reason for being there.

The same goes for the item Forbidden Sea Shanty of Josephus. The flavor text reads:
"...exploits of a sailor apparently known as ?Joe?."

?Very? Odd?. ;)
Mining Quest: Three Sheets to the Wind
"Talk to Harold Atkey, the bartender, he's sells a variety of drinks, I'm sure one of them is his choice."

1) "he's sells" should be "he sells"
2) This is like a run-on sentence; I believe it should be written as "Talk to Harold Atkey, the bartender. He sells a variety of drinks, I'm sure one of them is his choice." (Or a semi-colon after "bartender" instead of a period.)
Zeth'jir Emissary on the center island above Fort Daelin in Stormsong Valley has a dialogue line "The wall must break, the sea will retuirn." when speaking to Seabreaker Skoloth.

"Retuirn" is misspelled and should be "return".

Edit: Also, I suggest putting a period where the comma is. "The wall must break. The sea will return."
Shepard Milbrooke in Stormsong after turning in quests and talking to her again...

"You know, you're kind of $Ghandsome:cute"
Ulfar in Drustvar (Ulfar's Den) says "It has been a long time since a mainlander step foot in my grove." This should read "since a mainlander has stepped foot in my grove." or "since a mainlander set foot in my grove."
Camilla Darksky in Boralus
Quest: "Turtle Soup", when returning the quest with the turtle skins

Second paragraph, it reads
From they way they were described [...]

instead of "From the way they were described [...]"
Quest: Roughneck Riders

Quest text says "there is only one that fits the bill, Greatfather."

Should read "there is only one that fits the bill: Greatfather."
Quest: Aiding the Wharf

Quest text says "My day-to-day job usually just consists of blessing the ships, reading the waters, finding the best spots to fish?"

It shouldn't have a question mark at the end. I also recommend making it "and finding the best spots to fish."
The alliance quest 'captain conrad', on turn-in, the captain mentions what you think they've been doing, then says 'Quite to the contrary.'

That should be 'quite the contrary', or 'on the contrary'
Quest: We're Not Friends
I did sometime in Tol Dagor...

This should be "I did some time in Tol Dagor..."
Quest: A Local Guide
Typo: The item "Shipping Contract" that can be read (and yes, I'm the type of person who would read this thing...) has a typo on page 3, under the "Performance of Services" clause:
...Carrier will perform its services under this agreement un accordance with the highest standards of industry.

The "un" should be "in".
Item: An Exsquisite Brooch
Should be exquisite.

Hope this hasn't been reported just yet, I scanned the thread to check and didn't see anything on it.
Quest: Intercepted Orders (Alliance War Campaign)
Typo: "Mathias and I are disccussing". Should be 'discussing'.
Quest turn-in text for the quest, "Battle Victorious" reads:

"This victory will be discussed for millennium to come."

"Millennium" is a single span of 1,000 years. It should probably be "millennia", the plural.

The same text continues:

"The Venture Co. is a resilient foe though, I am sure we will meet them again!"

This should probably be two sentences, with a period after "though".


During the Alliance Naz'mir War Campaign opening quests, in a conversation between "Silvermoon" Harry and Brann Bronzebeard, Harry says:

"Zul'Nazman, I believe. Or Tul'vor? In fact I believe they are one in the same. Or nearly so."

That should be, "... one and the same".