BfA Tameable Pets ... *Confused*

I was leveling in Tiragarde Sound and I wanted to start using a local pet. I had a quest to kill Boars so I Dismiss my legion pet and Tame.... "Not Tameable" flashes up! What its a A BOAR, not a rare not an elite, its A BOAR! So whatever I kill it and move on. On the other side of the river I have a quest in the middle of a pack of grizzly bears, dismiss .. Tame .. You guessed it! "Not Tameable". So did the Tameable guy at Blizz quite or what!??
Yeah I've noticed a ton of non-tameable pets in BFA as well. Not very fun!
same. wtf. also, where are my tamable armored dinos at?
The first 3 pets I tried to tame in Zul were non-tameable. BM hunters should be able to tame everything.
I'd agree.

The worst part is that a number of pets are not tameable in one location, but miraculously are in others. Or in one color but not another.

The new mechanical tiger is tameable in just one color, but there exist a few in the game world.

The mechanical dog things in one place aren't tameable, but the model itself is tameable in other parts of the world (alcaz).

It all feels horribly haphazard, honestly. Like 10 people decided on their own what was and wasn't tameable, but then didn't communicate what they'd decided. So some were marked tameable in one spot by one guy, but not in another by a different guy.

The end result being that it's exceedingly disjointed.
Well, specialty (i.e. Mechanical, Spirit, Boss Mob etc.) I can understand. That's "Hunter Bling" some/most should be a challenge and should take some time.

But Local run-of-the-mill beasts, who have cut and paste tables, should be tameable.

And yes Mantooth I think Beast Masters should be able to tame anything, but realistically they should be able to tame ~most~ non-elite, non-rare etc etc.
08/30/2018 02:08 PMPosted by Travelerr
Well, specialty (i.e. Mechanical, Spirit, Boss Mob etc.) I can understand. That's "Hunter Bling" some/most should be a challenge and should take some time.

But Local run-of-the-mill beasts, who have cut and paste tables, should be tameable.

And yes Mantooth I think Beast Masters should be able to tame anything, but realistically they should be able to tame ~most~ non-elite, non-rare etc etc.

I think Spirit Beasts should absolutely be something you have to go through, and boss mobs also make sense.

I feel like, for Mechanical Mobs, though, the 'work' was in getting the matrix to tame them. Much like how most dinosaurs that the tome of dinomancy unlocks are 'fair game' at that point.
I feel ya, and okay. Frankly the mechanicals where a let down to me sooo, you got it =D

BUT Staying on Point! Why are (in my opinion) Most Mobs Untameable In BfA?? With Cut and Paste Tables!??
seconding this. It's not just specials like p4-n73r4, beehemoth, and the blue wolf, it seems like half the random mobs aren't tameable for no apparent reason. Random wolves/boars/raptors/etc. just won't tame. Sometimes I even find mobs that are grouped together in the same area (like stags and does using the same name or beasts and their slightly smaller babies) where one is tameable but the others aren't. Really frustrating when I just see a mob I think is cute or cool and want to tame it. Hope this gets fixed in a patch soon.
I've stopped trying. I saw so many cool pets my first few days of BFA and only got one new tame of them all. I was so annoyed with myself for starting with just a wolf thinking I'd actually find 4 new pets over the course of leveling to 120, only to find just 1 and have to pull old pets out of the stables.
I was sorely disappointed that I couldn't tame a mongoose out of stormsong.. I mean... They use the same rodent skeleton as the marsuul!
Finding out Beehemoth was untameable was so disappointing.
you need to get the dinomancy tome in MoP to tame dinosaurs in Zandalari.
There are a ton of tameable pets that have non tameable versions in both Zandalar and Kul Tiras.