Bfa survival is awful

“Might as well move on” = “You should stop posting”.

In your opinion. What I post about SV is constructive because I suggest ways they can get the spec out of the mess it has been in for the past 3 years, and I base them on what works in the past.

I’m invested in the class, and especially ranged Survival.

Yes, but I’m basing my arguments on people who play/played Warlock.

This is a common and lousy argument. Sometimes change really is bad. It’s not automatically bad, but it’s not automatically good either.

If I said in early 2015 that Survival was going melee, how plausible was that?

Keep in mind that at the time Hunters had never had a purely melee spec and Survival was the most popular spec in the entire game.

Never make bold statements about class design. And stop trying to turn this into a self-fulfilling prophecy where everyone is just too demoralised to complain so no one says anything and those things really have a 0 chance of coming back. It’s bad for the game.

What makes you think they would double-down on the melee aspects? They tried melee-only in Legion and it failed spectacularly. Survival is still not in a good place right now but it’s better than Legion. I mean, you do have the fact that the class designers are shockingly oblivious and incompetent, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that you shouldn’t double-down on a previously-failed strategy. Oh, and in the usual shilling-for-Survival threads you people can’t help but praise SV for its ranged aspects.

You’re entitled to an opinion, and others are also entitled to disagree with your opinion.

On the subject of Meta, it’s threads like these that influence my opinion:

You’re literally the only Warlock I’ve ever seen who disliked it. The only other argument I’ve seen against it is based on weak “class fantasy” reasons, usually pushed by Demon Hunters. Also, the Metamorphosis that Demon Hunters have is nothing like the one Demonology used to have.


this is my hunter btw. he’s nothing special but i’ve been playing him non-stop after mostly abandoning him for other alts since i read your posts. honestly i wasn’t meaning that you were terrible for wanting ranged SV just that your… uh… passion… for ranged SV made me want to check out melee SV to see if it was as horrible as you seemed to think it was.

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Where did I say that? I said stop trolling. Stop making strawman arguments because your ego got bruised. I did say that I have no problem with you making comments.

By your own admission, you played SV for 20 minutes in Alpha and that is it. Every thing else is making judgments based on someone else’s knowledge. Hard to tell others anything and expect them to just take your word on your opinions.

You’re not invested in the Class, just the parts you want to. Ranged SV has been gone for 3 years. It’s not part of the Class anymore and it’s not coming back. How can you say that you are invested in something when you clearly are not?


Ranged SV has been gone for 3 years. It’s not part of the Class anymore and it’s not coming back.

this is literally the worst argument I’ve ever seen considering Legion Survival was 12 year old parts of the class coming back, and BfA Survival had Ranged Survival’s Serpent Sting come back. It sounds like you just really don’t want Survival to go ranged.


If they wanted SV to ranged, it would have shots and not Melee abilities. MM would not be the only one with LnL or LW. They gave SV ranged abilities while limiting defensives. ETA you have mobility, a little bit of ranged abilities, some CC, some kiting tools, a lot of utility. It’s a unique melee class, and that’s what they gave us. You don’t have to like it, but don’t act like they can’t bring it back if they wanted to, and it’s clear that they did not and will not.

I’d much rather see ranged survival come back than this crap we have now. I actually played the old survival.

Currently blizzard has a high dmg melee class that isn’t smooth and isn’t bringing more people to the hunter class. Lowest represented in a long time.


Pros and cons of ranged survival.

Was top dps for several xpacs in single target(at least for hunters, usually in top ten for all dps)

Aoe multidot cleave. Serpent sting spread to all enemies via multi shot.

Only physical and magical ranged spec(unique niche)

Only reasons it was removed was a lack of tuning(needed haste or crit scaling on dots) which cause it to fall to the lower dps spectrum of hunters.

Was much smoother than marks and beast mastery as far as playstyle. In PvP it was still effective as far as 3s for traps and utility as well as decent throughout dmg.

Not reliant solely on pet dmg or line of sight to keep working your opponents down in pvp

Not quite as bursty as BM and mm but it was a dot class so that made sense.

Scaled well with gear until end of SoO before the stat squish where dmg and everything was out of control.


Flanking Strike should be an upgrade talent to Kill Command. Honestly they tried to squish range and melee together to make up for all the people butthurt over it not being ranged anymore.

So something I read that seems kinda interesting… the base of current Survival is just the older spec but pruned to death.

You build/spend focus with Cobra Shot and Arcane Shot/Kill Command and Raptor Strike, use Explosive Shot/Wildfire Bomb when you can while making sure not to replace the DoT early, and keep up Serpent Sting.

“Just” missing Black Arrow, Lock and Load procs, Kill Shot, the Cobra Shot mechanic where it extended Serpent Sting, Serpent Spread, and of course not being limited to melee only.

You aren’t limited to melee only, nobody who plays competitively uses Raptor strike, and the most competitive build doesn’t prioritize serpent sting.

Latent poison has become more viable since the Blur nerf.

So did I.

I disagree, it’s smooth, it’s fun and there has been quite a few people come up and say that it’s brought them to the class.

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You can say this. And a few people it did bring to the class. But not as many as it drove away.

In the forums alone. For every ten people who say actually post in forums about survival…maybe 2 say they enjoy it.

Maybe they need to make a new class called legionnaire or something to work in this…harpoon class


wth are you talking about. SV was never melee, not even in vanilla. lmfao

Of course hunters had melee abilities and even some talents like counterattack for several xpacs, but it was only because of the yard restriction and when you ran out of mana in some cases because they were super cheap

Back in the day No hunter with a brain greater than a peanut would go full melee because they want to, it was not worth. Not even with a super melee weapon and some weird stats. Ranged was always the core.

Stop the fake news


Kinda hate the new new survival. I liked Legion survival despite it’s flaws, I was really against survival becoming melee, but quickly warmed to the spec once it was released.

BfA survival seemed ok at first, and the addition of disengage baseline was a welcome change, but the more I played it the more I disliked it. I’ve actually started to loathe the spec now, it just feels like a confused hot mess that has no identity and a complete waste of potential. It needs a bit of work, the spec either needs to become ranged again or they need to focus on more melee abilities.

It would have been cool if they could have added flanking strike as something added to kill command, like if you use kill command on a target in melee it deals more damage or something. They should have kept lacerate too, the whole idea of bleeding an enemy amount between burst windows was kinda of neat. I also miss butchery with it’s % of extra damage with the more targets it hit.

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That’s about a few.

That’s not people who said that they came to the Class because of it either.

Given their record…

It sounds like Survival just doesn’t match your preferred playstyle. Also, survival is the most difficult spec to master, so that tends to frustrate people who play it. The spec has a pretty specific role from what I’ve played: PvP crowd control. I’m having a great time with it in BG’s. I feel like I’m really making a difference when I’m trying to lock-down and CC healers, and have even turned the tides of a game or two because of it.

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Keep fighting the good fight Whim… Bepples still being Bepples.

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yea i think bm is the best spec for hunters right now.

What do you expect from a month old thread?

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