Bfa survival is awful

It’s been a few years already, might as well move on.

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yes #Ranged SV in 20


i have to say… reading the hunter forums and all your massive walls of text against melee SV got my curiosity up. i switched my BM hunter to SV and did some darkshore wafronts and i have to say that is is SUPER FUN. the only thing that sucks is being in melee range to certain things and getting one shot. but all melee specs have that issue.

all in all i think that it was good that i read all of your QQ because it opened up a spec to me that i probably never would’ve tried otherwise. lol


i think that’s kinda the point of his rants, it’s very fun right now but it’d be better if it was ranged

would outlaw be better if it was ranged? a melee spec is a melee spec. they should’ve made it a 4th spec probably instead or removing ranged SV though. i played it a bit in WoD towards the end and it was fun, but before that my hunter had always been nothing but BM. i understand why people who mained ranged SV are angry though.


I honestly wonder why they have not moved on personally. To be that angry for so long has to be constipated anger, i.e. rage. That just ain’t healthy. Instead of fixing issues, we get a meme reply that is just not worth anything anymore. We had a chance to get that play style, but that anger has removed it. But that is my opinion.


I remember how upset people where when they turned Combat Rogue into Outlaw for Legion. Not unlike Survival, they transitioned back to it’s roots a bit in BFA with the reintroduction of ability names like sinister strike and dispatch.

Roll the Bones is to Outlaw Rogue what being melee is to Survival. Some people just can’t look past it.

I would LOVE it if they replaced Roll the Bones with a mechanic like wildfire infusion that worked off of Between the Eyes and made Slice and Dice baseline.


ooooh niiiice

Edit, the more I think about it, the more they would nerf it to be worthless if they did.

i have an orc rogue who was combat when i made him in like… WoD? and then outlaw became a thing and i didn’t like saber slash or any of the outlaw specific abilities and i switched him to sub. i saw this expansion it was less… piratey. so i switch him to outlaw. now he’s one of my main alts. i understand why people don’t like it. i have been the same way about certain things. in different ways. honestly though lots of people love outlaw and SV and the people who don’t either rerolled or whine on the forums constantly. neither is being changed back. it’s just a matter of them changing it to be slightly less “different” from the rest of the classes they’re a part of.


Weak attempt to shut down a valid discussion. Pretty typical of you.

I don’t care about what some LFR-hero Warlock allegedly thinks about Survival based on his warfront alt.

I did get a kick out of “the only thing that sucks is being in melee range”. I think we mostly agree on that. If it were ranged it wouldn’t have those issues that all melee specs have :thinking:

Ranged SV would fix issues.

We don’t care for your concerns for our health. We are doing just fine, thank you.

Evidently not a lot of people like SV.

They already changed it significantly in 8.0 to be a lot more ranged. It’s pretty bold to act like they won’t push it further in that direction. Especially when most of the compliments people give the spec on the forums are based on its ranged capabilities. I will laugh if the SV marketing on the forums by its players undoes melee Survival due to that. Come to think of it, we haven’t a weekly shilling-for-Survival thread in a while; where did they go? Did SV players give up when they realised it doesn’t work?


lfr hero? so you’re attacking me because i told you that you made me check out SV and i actually liked it? every time i open a thread here you have a wall of text the size of the great wall of china. did you think people wouldn’t try to make an informed opinion on it? i think it’s fun. i don’t really care what you think. i wouldn’t have tried it though except for your crusade against it. that’s the truth. it’s a heck of a lot better than the dumpster fire that is MM for solo play. not everyone needs to do heroic/mythic raids or mythic 10s to have fun. you should probably check your attitude though. it’s legit pointless to attack me because i don’t agree with you.


Nice strawman insult. You really should just stop. I gave an opinion. I never said stop posting.

You are wrong again on both counts. My offer in last months thread still stands by the way. You know the one where you tried to pass off people with agendas not liking melee?


When he says something like that, then he’s got nothing. Just ignore him, it’s not like he has any experience in playing SV.

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they completely changed demo last expansion too and the warlock forum has posters just like him with the “bring back meta demo sucks now” crap the same as his ranting. but neither is going to change. i happen to be someone who LIKES the reworks they’ve done. i think demo is a masterpiece right now. so much better than it used to be. SV being melee, or rather a melee hunter, has been asked for as long as there have been forums. the thing is some people would rather it have been BM but can you imagine the crying if the only spec that can use exotics randomly became melee? and they couldn’t make it MM because of the sniper fantasy (which i don’t find it or lack of a pet being BiS the least bit appealing) so you’re kinda stuck with SV being that option for hunters.


Is bfa SV fun? yea kinda. but that’s how all hunter specs feel to me these days. i don’t blame anyone for enjoying melee SV because the other choices are pretty boring now, but i will never forget my fav spec in the game being deleted. nothing was cooler to me than the proccy elemental archer theme we had taken away.

obviously the top melee hunter fantasy was always beast master like rexxar. but it’s clear they decided instead of messing with the most populated easy spec that everyone plays for collecting, why not just mess up SV?

i still think melee should be a talent in the first BM row. you only need to change like 3 abilities to the melee equivalent to have a melee beast master fulfilled in the game without sacrificing entire specs. and it’s not like anyone uses 2/3 of the other BM talents anyway.


It’s pretty rich to act like the victim here when you started off with a post that amounted to trying to make fun of me because my “QQ” made you try out a Survival Hunter (I’ll add that to the list of things that totally happened). Look at what you replied to and look at how you responded. There was nothing of value to argue against there so that’s why I responded the way I did.

MM is better for solo play. You can mass pull mobs and burst them down quickly at ranged and you can still use a pet to hold aggro. SV, being a melee spec, cannot mass pull like MM can, nor does it have the enormous opening burst MM does.

And that opinion amounts to “you should stop posting”.

Not wrong. And no, I don’t know which thread you’re talking about here.

Were there profound points in his post I should have countered? He’s the one that opened with an immature irrelevant attack on a long post of valuable discussion so I will respond in kind.

Plus, I really do think it’s worth pointing out people’s minimal investment in the game and therefore the class in these discussions because in my experience people’s lack of investment in the Hunter class strongly correlates with their favourable opinions of Survival, with some exceptions. Plenty of people defend it here and on reddit all the time without ever playing it (are their opinions invalid just like mine apparently is?) based on things like "it made me interested in Hunters for the first time. I’ve even seen people say they like it specifically because it pisses off Hunters, and evidently some people see it as a way to “get back at Hunters” for some perceived grievance.

They are perfectly within the right for pushing for old Demonology. Good for them. I am actually on their side because I see in Demonology a lot of similar things to what they did with Survival. It’s pretty egregious in that case because they blatantly did it to benefit another class (Demon Hunter). I don’t have much stake in the matter but people seemed to like the metamorphosis Demo much more than the current one, even if the current one is passable. It certaintly had more people playing it, and you have to admit that Metamorphosis was an extremely unique and exciting mechanic (much moreso than the Demon Hunter version). I do base that on the opinions of Warlocks, by the way. I personally know someone who was probably the most dedicated WoW player I knew and the best damage dealer I’ve ever seen. He routinely got 100th percentiles and had an absurd amount of time put into the game, on his Demonology Warlock. He flat out quit over the Demo changes. I can’t help but think something has gone terribly wrong with the spec if it made people that invested jump ship.

Melee Hunter has always been an extremely niche request, like melee Mage and tanking Shaman. Very few people asked for it. There are always niche requests like that. I’ve seen people ask for SV to be a healer spec, in full sincerety. If they just caved to every one of those we would be deleting people’s beloved specs left and right. It would be absurdly unhealthy for the game and would piss off approximately everyone. So there was zero reason to cave when it came to Hunters. If they wanted to do a melee Hunter they needed to do it in a way that didn’t screw existing Hunters, like a fourth spec or a “microspec” (like Gladiator). If it was going to piss off any of the Hunter spec’s playerbase automatically like you said it would for BM they shouldn’t have done it; there simply aren’t enough people interested in melee Hunter to make it worth it and even if there were it’s incredibly unfair to the existing playerbase. It’s also melee favouritism to the maximum degree, kind of like taking the most unique mechanic of one ranged spec away to give it (or rather an uninteresting knockoff of it) to the shiny new melee class.


Reaching are we?

Your posts on SV have nothing of value. Yes you are welcome to your opinions, and yes you have the right to say them. But that does not mean that there is any value to them.

Why are you posting about Survival then?

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do you have a warlock alt? i’ll tell you right now meta was not fun gameplay. i’ve been a warlock (with an orc) since cata and it was always an alt. they switched out meta to imp mother and now warlock has been my main since legion.

regardless, people do NOT like change. you can see it with outlaw, SV, demo, any spec that has been drastically changed. people hate it. people curse blizz’s mothers. hate it. then other people who weren’t interested start to play it. and around we go.

i liked ranged SV as well. it was my os in WoD. obv i main warlock so dot playstyles appeal to me. i like unh/sin/feral etc as well. but it’s gone now. and it won’t be coming back. if this version doesn’t stick you’ll see another MELEE rework next expansion.

warlock is never getting meta back either.

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do you have a warlock alt? i’ll tell you right now meta was not fun gameplay.

speak for yourself, meta was the most fun I ever had with warlock. everything from chaos wave to demonic leap.

regardless, people do NOT like change. you can see it with outlaw, SV, demo, any spec that has been drastically changed. people hate it. people curse blizz’s mothers. hate it. then other people who weren’t interested start to play it. and around we go.

i think this is a problem with how blizzard designs specs. they completely ignore fans of a spec when they rework them, i.e. a lot of people who loved old demo or survival were driven away by the legion reworks, while people who didn’t have interest in those specs previously are now driven to it.

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it wasn’t fun to me? i like current demo a lot more. i’m glad dhs exist and took meta with them. that is my opinion and i’m entitled to it.