Bfa survival is awful

I actually don’t think there should be a 4th spec. I guess it’s fine in an ideal world where developer time and resources are infinite, but they aren’t. It doesn’t make much sense for a DPS-only class to get a 4th spec, and frankly it doesn’t make sense for an entire Hunter spec to be purely melee at all given the established identity of the class and the miniscule audience for a melee Hunter. This is why I’ve been advocating a melee “subspec” of BM where picking a level 100 Gladiator-esque talent swaps out your ranged abilities for melee ones (e.g. Barbed Shot => Lacerate) for a damage/health boost.

SV Hunters have an infamous history of playing up the spec to a ridiculous level so…


I actually don’t because I’m never as concerned with PvP and I find it just a little ridiculous that you think removing ranged SV was justified because it supposedly performed badly in BGs, especially given in its last expansion it provably performed spectacularly in PvP (far better than melee SV ever has). So I’m going off your word for it and I don’t trust your word since you pathologically lie and troll about SV at every opportunity. You’re actually exhibit A of why Survival shouldn’t be melee.