BfA screwed Gilneans/Worgen

I think no gilnean died in the burning of teldrassil, or so i’ve heard, that the Gilneans were saved first and they only started sending night elves to the recue once the last gilnean was saved.

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I find it hard to believe they got all the Gilneans out. I mean some lived within Teldrassil, not just Darnassus, and even then when trying to save all the citizens in that quest you can see Gilneans running around. So while I believe the Kaldorei probably evacuated most of the Gilneans, not all of them made it.

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And I imagine there were also Gilnens trying to get their kaldorei friends out of the tree and dying in the process. The evacuation was a team effort from both groups.

Gilneans really did get the hard end of the stick.

First you catch a curse that transformed you into a beast that your fellow country men scorned. A curse that was introduced into your kingdom to weaken it.

Then after you get your mind back, you face the horrors of a Forsaken invasion that forces you to abandon your home.

Then you have to try and integrate into a new society. Once you finally settle down you get your second home burned down. If you die you go to some torturous afterlife. Even if you survive, you are again homeless, and most likely get conscripted into fighting the Fourth War and go on a suicide attack in Naz’mir where you also end up in the Maw.

Then the person responsible for introducing for the Worgen curse that started your woes and destroyed both of your homes is now one of the head honchos of the tortureous maw that you now reside in.

Talk about a bad time.

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BFA was an absolute nightmare for Nelves, Worgen and Forsaken players. So far, all the foreshadowing for a Tyrande death/villain bat isn’t make Shadowlands seem any better.

Here is to hoping we are all pleasantly surprised with what lies ahead, but I have no faith in Blizzard at the moment.


Umm… What? The curse was introduced by Arugal to stop the Scourge from attacking Gilneas. However, not long after releasing the Worgen he basically became a servant to Alpha Prime and began trying to spread the curse to as many Gilneans as possible. Not to weaken the kingdom but to get as many people infected as possible so Alpha Prime could take all the Worgen and kill Malfurion.

I agree completely.

I don’t even like the British Gilnean aesthetic for the worgen. I never have. Victorian British is basically the last thing a European werewolf culture should be. But to pick that for worgen and then screw them over and make them a British parody while the Kul’Tirans get to actually be legitimately cool British culture that you can take seriously, that was awful.

But the WORST was the Gilnean (I refuse to call it “worgen”) heritage armor quest. It was a Gilnean heritage quest because there’s nothing worgen about it. I didn’t pick a worgen race to play some dressed-up British cartoon character. I picked a worgen to play as a werewolf. Now, in our heritage armor quest, we are basically told to our faces that being a worgen sucks and we should be a second-rate British person who isn’t half as cool as the Kul’Tirans.

I want to embrace my curse. I want to wear torn-up, savaged armor because I’m a werewolf. I wanted Tess to embrace the curse, too, because that’s the point of rolling a worgen instead of a human.

Being a worgen makes you stronger than other races. Tess should have realized that and embraced it, not gone, “oh you all suck, we should return to just being boring British humans with a non-culture. I don’t want to be a worgen.” So when Genn inevitably gets knocked off, we get a Gilnean human as our leader, because worgen are supposed to just die out or something.

Worgen deserve so much better than they’ve gotten.


i think he means the fact that sylvanas and alpha prime were working together to bring gilneas down, i believe its in the comic


Exactly. Great post!

You know another funny thing I thought about? With the way Blizzard writes the Worgen, they are just Stormwind Humans that sounds british and can wolf out, they might as well not even have made them Gilnean…

What was the point? I mean right off the bat they lose their home and are homeless. Why not just make the playable Worgen be the ones from Duskwood then? They could have easily done that and nothing about Worgen right now changes (other than their voice)… It’s really sad actually.

That was in the comics, but they weren’t working together to bring down Gilneas. Alpha Prime recruited the Forsaken to help him get the Scythe of Elune. He was just using them.


It is. And yet… if they just offered some voice options - let us sound like Stormwind humans, with American accents in both our forms… and maybe some more filters on our worgen form voice, like the worgen in the new starting island has?

If they just let us be American accented worgen from Duskwood, and denied us the ability to use that Gilnean heritage armor?

Oh man. I’d be on that so fast. I’d roll that and never look back. I have to admit.

They took everything cool or interesting that Gilneas had - like you said - and gave it to Kul’tirans. The only unique thing that worgen have left now is… tophats. And I hate their tophats…

P.S. I mostly main a male Kul’tiran now, ironically. I like their look. Lol.

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That’s what i was going for. Guess I got my lore wrong. Though the Forsaken invasion happening so soon after the Worgen outbreak destabilized Gilneas made me think there was a correlation.

Though my main point still stands, the Gilnean have suffered quite a bit.

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