BfA screwed Gilneans/Worgen

yeah, but we dont see him very often, he was most prominent in a horde questing zone and doesnt do anything at darkshore other than remind us he still exists


Ehhh, not really. Ivar took over for Alpha Prime once he was killed, to rally the remaining Bloodfang worgen and get them to hunt the Forsaken, he didn’t lead the assault on Gilneas.

He frankly doesn’t really care about Gilneas either way he just wants to be wild, savage and kill Forsaken.

Well, he does nothing in game anyway, but we’re told him and a his pack were a big reason why the Army of the Dark Moon was so successful in such a short time span.

where are we told that?

Random dev comment I think. Or I could be misremembering the actual quote, which is probably the case :gift_heart:

Which is how most of the worgen should be portrayed. Not as the token kick the puppy sidekicks they become now

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you know what would be cool, being able to just use our claws, like if you use duel wielding weapons just allow us to hide them with transmog so it would look like we are using our claws to tear into someone. it would help us recapture our ferocity


The closest we can get to this is being a Fury Warrior with fist weapons transmogged. It is actually pretty satisfying when using Execute and watching my Worgen character swing his arms down. It looks like he is just raking his claws across enemies to kill them. Badass.

And each attack has a % to cause a bleeding dot. Could’ve also gone with a Fury of Goldrinn racial that increases attack speed for X seconds,

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not even a racial, just let me transmog my swords to be hidden so i just use my claws to tear my enemies apart

We can dream. It’s kind of funny that Skyrim does the whole werewolf thing better than blizzard does though head pat

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yay headpats! but yeah, skyrim does werewolves pretty well

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Skyrim werewolves were kind of trash. I mean, they were cool in that they were special werewolves don’t get me wrong! But they were not the normal werewolves that you see in the Elder Scrolls series. Normal werewolves change like every 15 days on the full moon (because their are two moons on different cycles) but they can also transform once every day into a werewolf.

That is intense and badass. I don’t like how Skyrim’s didn’t transform on full moons and you had to eat people to stay in werewolf form because that isn’t how it works in the previous games. It felt streamlined. They looked really cool though. Vicious.

Also Hircine, their creator and god, is sooooo cool!

I also like how he has a eternal hunting ground for those who pass away, Gives all werewolves a peace of mind they wont be judged anymore in the afterlife

Assuming the person in question likes the whole werewolf thing. Otherwise I imagine it’s a special sort of hell, watching yourself forced to behave like a violent animal for all of eternity. Unless I misunderstood how that works.

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Indeed that is awesome. The only thing that sucks is the people who get turned into a werewolf and hate it, they are forced to go to Hircine’s Hunting Grounds because he claims all their souls. Poor people.

Ninja’d. You are correct sir! All werewolves in Elder Scrolls go to the Hunting Grounds whether they want to or not.

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The problem here is that Kul Tiras is the second attempt of appealing to the Worgen themes established… They couldn’t work in additional worgen / Gilneas impact because of how limited they wrote the kingdom. It was in a corner that is impossible to expand without stripping the worgen curse away, or having to make attempts of Gilnean expansion.

BFA gave Kul Tiras the love that the Worgen need desperately… but that’s the fate of the Alliance races. It is incredibly difficult to see expanded lore for their established races. Its better to make new, rather than expand on the existing ones.


Blizz Peon: Boss! Fans seem interested in the idea of having Werewolf Sherlock holmes in the game!

Blizz Developer: Pfft. Whatever. Add more humans! Didn’t we just remind them in their own heritage armor quest how bad and wrong worgen are for NOT being human, hmm?

Blizz Peon: But boss, they also complain that the human narrative has overtaken most of the Alliance story right now! Well, except the night elf story, but only because we screwed over the night elves…

Blizz Developer, now revealed to be Hedonismbot from Futurama: No! We MUST have more human stories! More! MoooOOOoore… huuUUUUmans… ooohh, aaaahhhh… yes… oh, yes!.. MmmMmmm, more… Not enough! Never enough! HUUUUUUUMAAANS!..


The wolf is the better choice because it’s a Horde totem animal and Varian becomes noticed by it because of his performance in a Horde arena.

Interestingly enough the lion as depicted as the Wyrnn totem animal makes absolutely no appearance in the game at all.

To top that all off. All the unfortunate Gilnean refugees who didnt escape the burning of Teldrassil were denied their afterlife and have been tormeneted in the Maw the whole time.

Though I guess we eventually save them or something. So maybe some silver lining