BfA reputations

Some of my reputations were reset, and not the “known issue” of going from exalted to revered. You can see I have the achievements for them.

From what I can tell, it’s at least:
Zandalari Empire

I can’t finish up my professions, with the recipes I need being locked behind the lost rep. It would take me forever to try to go from neutral to exalted again doing world quests.

Please help.

First thing I’d do would be a full UI reset, to eliminate a display issue / bugged ui / or addon issue.


You need to submit a bug report.


None of those apply to me, but I also have a ticket up (again).

On that link:

  • A display problem where characters would earn large amount of reputation followed by a decrease as an adjustment. The total amount of reputation earned is correct
  • A situation where reputations which have a direct correlation on the opposite faction (such as Battlegrounds factions) are reset to neutral. A hotfix is planned for this issue and it should be resolved for players logging in after that fix soon. Investigations are ongoing for players who experienced the issue and need their reputations fixed.
  • A situation where Guild reputation is being reset for some players. An investigation is ongoing