BfA raids soloable when?

You can already solo most of it, and most of the content isn’t technically 2 expansions old yet. Once we hit the last patch of DF then Nyalotha will be 2 expansions old, for example.

Nope, the point of the legacy buff was to ensure what people were soloing before each stat squish was still soloable afterwards. Stat squishes turn exponential power gain into linear gain, so the legacy buff is there to semi-replicate the exponential gain.

I did not.

Sounds like a skill issue, people can solo all of mythic legion raids easily at this point.

I’ve already been able to kill some mythic BFA bosses solo, a few more tiers and everything be soloable that isn’t hard-blocked by a mechanic like the MC on Mythrax.

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…eh? All you have to do for M KJ is save your cds for when he lands after that long intermission and burst him before he casts veil. Any max level character should be able to do it no problem now.

As for modifying BfA raid mechanics, I wouldn’t count on it any time soon tbh. I doubt it’s high on their list of priorities when there’s current stuff to work on. At least you can skip past the solo-unfriendly bosses in LFR by just going to the next wing. All except for Mythraxx and G’huun, anyway.

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Essence of Eonar said otherwise. You need do a pretty complex pull pattern and run as fast as you can. Which some class with no speed boost ability or takes have a long CD might not make it on time.


I’m so glad this annoys other people too.


Fun was detected. I found it so relaxing to mow down an old raid and transmog hunt. Hope it changes.


People forget the 2 floating purple balls of death that come down in 2 different spots on M KJ that have knock back? Because my rogues corpse certainly remembers. I’m under the impression both of those need to be soaked and last I checked, even with sprint, I was missing one.

Unless of course, i’m doing something wrong. Which honestly I wouldn’t be surprised


No you can’t. Normal mode is barely even in the soloing discussion.

SL = one expansion ago
BFA = two expansions ago

You got a source to back you up on that?


I’ve soloed it on my warrior. The key is when two are coming down you need to position yourself where you’ll get knocked very close to the second one coming down.

It is tricky but once you get that, the fight ain’t too bad.

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You burst him below the phase threshold during the cast time last I checked, then you don’t do the phase at all.

Maybe for you. I can solo every boss on normal easily that isn’t blocked due a mechanic (eg Mythrax and Ghuun). I solo’d all of normal Nyalotha a week or two ago and solo’d mythic Wrathion last week, though he did take a while. BFA raid bosses are indeed soloable, especially most normal ones.

Uldir was exactly 2 expansions ago, something like Nyalotha is more like 1.25 expansions ago since it was at the end of BFA.

I haven’t seen anything that says the legacy buff is for anything else. They always said when they did the stat squishes that they’d make sure what you could solo pre-squish, you could solo post-squish via the buff. They never said the buff was there to be applied as stuff got old.

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No heroic or mythic? Why are you not good enough to solo most mythic BFA bosses?

So mythic BFA raid bosses? No?

All of BFA is two expansions ago. Not a difficult concept.

So give me the link to where it states your reason the legacy buff exists is the official stance of the devs. If you can’t do that then you have zero proof and you’re just making stuff up to fit your bias.


I know BfA open world zones scale to 60 now, but was it either of the dungeons or the raids that are still 50?

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Haven’t tried heroic yet, I have solo’d a couple on mythic though (like Wrathion).

Some, yes.

Sure, but we aren’t exactly two expansions worth of gear above Nyalotha level, just 1.25 tiers above.

Scroll down to the paragraph above Racial Traits. Mentions the stat squish isn’t a nerf, and that you should be able to solo everything you can, and they are implementing a buff to help facilitate that (Post was made before the first stat squish).

Just one boss?

You’ve named one.

Irrelevant. The expansion existed two expansions ago. There’s literally no reason we shouldn’t be able to solo mythic raids from that expansion.

That’s nice and all but explain the WoD legacy buff that happened during BFA prior to the end of BFA/start of SL stat/level squish.


They need to nerf them already


Agree 100% they need to be adjusted so we can go through them solo. I miss being able to do this in old raids with each new xpac.


Thats the sad thing i need to get 4-5 people still for bod mythic and a full raid for mythic nylotha

And dont forget you need the cloak


Which BfA raid are you soloing? By this time in DF, normally we would have been able to solo all the raids from BfA on mythic difficulty. Not sure how the gear will keep growing this expansion, but you likely won’t be able to solo all of the BfA raids on mythic until next expansion or if you are lucky the very end of this one.

In SLs I was only able to solo the first mythic raid from Legion (which again from how it used to be I should have been able to solo all of the Legion raids in early SLs) but didn’t even come close to the others. ToS and Antorus were especially a no go.

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Yes, I haven’t tried more yet due to time and not needing mogs. I might try more later when I’m not busy.

The reason is that our character’s power scaling hasn’t been enough yet, we need more gear =)

That stat squish had the same purpose: reduce number bloat.

Compared to when? Our gear scaling has been pretty flat compared to something like Legion, hence why it’s taking longer to solo old stuff.

Really depends on scaling. Beginning to end, SL was only about a 5x scale in power, which is pretty low considering Legion was along the lines of 10-15x from beginning to end. If we are doing about 300k by the end of the expansion, Mythic Nyalotha (and the raids before it) might be easily soloable.

That sounds like a “you” issue, I was soloing most of the mythic Legion bosses by the end of Castle Nathria.

I just don’t understand why they can’t make the legacy buff be something like a 10,000% damage increase buff for all content older than two expansions old.
It seems like such an easy fix that would take minutes to implement.


How convenient.

No, we need a legacy buff so we can easily solo old content. Like we got in the past.

You didn’t address the legacy buff WoD raids received mid-BFA. They went from unsoloable to push over. This didn’t happen after a stat squish, that’s what you’re ignoring. That’s what needs to happen here with BFA raids.