BfA raids soloable now?

Has Blizz done the mechanics pass on BfA raids to make them soloable? I tried going into Uldir on the PTR but it’s closed.

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Probably not.

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probably 11.0 geared u will be set.

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Seems like they will be doing something. Looking at the post from today regarding legacy tier tokens, they specifically call Shadowlands Legacy. I am hoping they make the change right away so that when we are in 11.0, 10.0 is considered Legacy and we can get the dmg multiplier going.

End of the World saga so 3 more expansiom

They had said that before finishing DF they were going to modify them so that they could be done alone, but it seems that they forgot, it seems incredible to me that we have to wait so many years to do content alone that has stopped being relevant for 2 expansions.

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BFA right now is considered legacy, all theyre doing to shadowlands is turning legacy loot on, nothing else iirc. They have said theyre working on bfa tuning for at least a year now so idk. Legion got its legacy loot turned on somewhere in the middle of 8.3 but didnt recieve its tuning till around a year later in 9.1.

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Agreed. Battle of Dazar’alor released over 5 years ago and Mythic Jaina is still not soloable. They added a skip right to her but you still need 6 people unless you are Alliance and your <6 party can DPS her down fast enough. Collecting mounts, pets, and transmog are a huge part of the wow experience (more than raiding and probably anything else with people who are casual). This would drive more engagement, play time, logins, etc. Not sure how they are not seeing this.