BFA raid soloability in TWW

Will this ever be addressed?

Right now there’s a LOT of BFA bosses that are unsoloable/very difficult to solo:

Zul (mind control), Mythrax (also mind control), G’huun (orbs?) in Uldir.

Conclave (council damage reduction, 30s ability wipe), Rastakhan (despawns when Bwonsamdi comes out), Jaina (freezing) in Battle of Dazar’alor.

Queen’s Court (council damage reduction) in Eternal Palace.

Carapace (??) and N’zoth (despawn when the layer comes out?) in Ny’alotha might not be either.

Correct me if I’m wrong in any of those, but that’s a lot of fights that aren’t soloable or extremely difficult to do, and in TWW that’ll be 3 expansions later.


Ion said in an interview (I think with IGN) that they are planning on making a pass either before or shortly after TWW’s launch to address these issues.


Okay cool, a little later than I thought they would but awesome. I want the Uldir/BoD sets and not a lot of people run those raids nowadays.

I hear ya. I would love to get the Zandalari-themed sets from BOD, especially the plate set for a Zanda DK.

There’s a little bit of a lul and a lot of people are running old raids for mog. I imagine it will dry up a bit when S4 launches next week… or maybe it won’t lol.

What I’d like to see is more follower dungeons. Best of both worlds.

I have my doubts, Ion can say they will make a pass, but for all we know that could mean anything. For all we know they could just tweak health and damage numbers and not address the real issues.

Look at how they handled the level squish and Legion raids, my friend and I were able to do Mythic Antorus fairly easily, after the squish, was far worse. And what was Ion and Co’s response, just get better gear and it will sort itself. Got a strong feeling it will be the same thing here, slight numbers tweak at best, still will be a PITA, and they will say just get better gear again.

Sorry if I come off as pessimistic, but after BfA and SL and hearing some of the things Ion has said, I just don’t have the confidence he will actually do anything meaningful for this issue.

yeah i dont trust ion either

Whats to be addressed. Raids are for groups of people.