BFA Professions Needs To Change Blizz

first, yes, I would have just bought the 340 gear
second, the crafted 340 was not available at launch, at launch you could make 310 max iirc. The crafted 340 wasn’t added until 8.1 (if someone could confirm that was the added time that would be appreciated, I just know that it wasn’t available at launch)

Mid december.

The problem I have with these threads, is people keep telling blizzard this crafted gear is useless. It isn’t. If you can’t sell this gear on your server one of a few things may be happening.

  1. your prices are too high - people want the convenience of being able to skip dungeons and get into other content but a whole lot of them are going to pay 100k to do it.

  2. there are too many people trying to sell the gear - that is what is happening on one server I am on in the leatherworking market, ever since they made expulsom easier to get, aka world quest freebies. I have a few people who every single time just dump 5 pieces of gear on the ah at extremely low prices.

  3. you are getting constantly undercut.

  4. you aren’t very persistant - sometimes it takes awhile on lower population servers for the demand to be there, you can’t just decide to post one day and expect it all to sell.

If Windrunner is the server you are trying to sell on I would suspect it might be a combination of 1 and 3. Mostly 3 going by what I can see on undermine journal.

You have very little competition currently in some areas of that 340 market.

Understand that I’m talking about how it was during TBC: For my blade, Lionheart Executioner, I needed to buy 5 Nether Vortex (from Raid bosses). For the Lionheart Champion (which was needed for the executioner) I needed 8 primal nethers (those dropped from dungeon bosses) And I’m pretty sure all the weapons from blacksmithing required the nethers from dungeons and raids

you and blizzard do know this is cutting your nose to spite your face right?

See people like me…still don’t raid. and we now we don’t craft as much. and crafting is a fun time killer for many. It can add time to sub as we go I must reach max crafting level. this adds hours to my play time.

I want the herbalist levels for example. My OCD thing. So I pick flowers. then I alchemy. I don’t get that from AH mat buys.

they also borked this up with soulbound. this DH would by me best char. She is an alchemist with herbs. Soulbound mats not for alchemy do her no good. It do my hunter engineer/miner some good maybe. If, you know, I could get the mats to them.

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It isn’t about me at all. I don’t think the same group of people who spend a lot of time crafting raid but blizzard believes this so you have to change their minds on that and I sort of think it is going to be impossible with Ion in charge.

They could ‘solve’ this problem by making sure the mats that you need for crafting high ilvl gear as rare drops in outdoor world content only. So rare that raiders won’t spend time farming for them even then you would have to restrict the ilvl to at or below heroic or you would get the silly people like method farming them.

Me: ‘They should just remove crafting and add gems and sockets for gear in the store /jokes’
Blizzard: ‘Hold my beer’

You’re talking about the alchemist stone which is a 370+ ilvl item.

That’s raid-quality gear. (When the recipe was put in the game.)

With very few exceptions, raid-quality gear from crafting has always required materials that drop in raids.

This isn’t a BFA professions thing. It’s been that way since vanilla.

They should fire the guys who created hydrocore

Honestly as a raider with double gathering profs on most of my toons, I’m not quite sure how I feel about the idea of making raid mats not BoP.
Like the raider in me really doesn’t like the idea of someone being able to get gear that is equivalent to mythic-quality without ever stepping foot in normal. If you’re not raiding I don’t see the need (For those that want the Breaths/Sang type stuff to be traceable, help me out here, what is the need?) From what I can see, if youre not raiding or doing M+ (I could get behind M+ dropping Breaths/whatever blizz comes up with) why would you need the, currently, 415 gear? just to raid a number that doesn’t mean much?