Has there been any information as if part 2 needed to be done on the same character that got part 1?
Path finder 1 and 2 generally combine to form the awesome power of flight. I don’t see why this time would be different.
So, yes.
Ok good, thanks!
Any leaked info on what is needed for part 2?
The achievements are account wide, including the sub achievements that make them up. You should be able to use multiple characters to complete both Pathfinder achievements. That’s how it worked in the past anyway.
You can bet your account it’ll have rep tied to it which will make it as much of a slog as part 1.
Once you achieve part one all of your toons will forever have part one. It doesn’t matter which toon you get part 2 on. However, the toon you achieved part one may be the toon which is easiest to get part 2 on based on its progression in the stories. Since we don’t have any details on what is required for part 2.
Yes, apparently we will need to max our Azerite necklace to lvl 75, but can only level up based on completed WQ’s at 125ap per. Based on my calculations, most should have flight by 2025.
Need to be at least 2 centuries old.
Accompanied by both parents.
Completed the war campaign on all available allied races.
Exalted with all available factions.
we’ll get it then be shunted to a zone where we can’t fly any ways
Thanks for the input and the laughs peeps
If it is like ages past we will have to finish the storyline involving the new zone and also be exalted with the new race/faction introduced in said zone. However, keep in mind that with Legionfall it was time-gated to take between 4 to 6 weeks to get exalted because only a certain number of quests are given per day. Assuming the patch comes out May 28th-ish, you will likley be able to fly in July.
For the record, my ideas on flying tend to be widely liked, but typing it every post like this gets old so you can see it here: